
Growing Summer Squash

July 16, 2008

Larged Caged SquashI've often had trouble finding a squash hidden under all the leaves until it was way too big, so this year I put a tomato cage over one squash plant just to see what would happen.


It grew straight up into the cage, making it easy to see even the smallest one. It's been much easier to harvest them so far up off the ground. It was a surprising bonus that squash bugs didn't do much damage to this plant, while nearby 'ground grown' squash have wilted away one by one as squash bugs increased over the season, even after a variety of organic sprays and one desperate try with a regular garden spray. This caged plant is the only one still producing.

Most squash bugs just don't seem as inclined to climb that far up off the ground. If sprays are needed, it is easier to see where to spray and reach under all of the leaves, and it's been so easy to water in some organic fertilizer around the base. Next year, all my squash, both yellow and zucchini, will be in a neat row of cages.

CrafterMary from Mountain Pine, AR

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
May 8, 2013

The squash vine borer is a very insidious moth that feeds on squash plants. You can tell it attacked your squash when you can see that the stem of the plant itself has been destroyed and gutted out by a disgusting fat white grub.


17 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 22, 2010

My yellow squash doesn't seen to be producing very much, why?
Thank you.

By Pauline Merry from Highland Springs, VA


June 25, 20100 found this helpful

I'm having the same problem and I live along the line between north and central MS. I looked it up on the net and this is what I found.


I hope this helps you out.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
June 28, 20100 found this helpful

You have to have male and female flowering going on. Some plants just product duds. I had to get this info from a master gardener. It is a pollination thing.

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November 16, 2006


Does anyone know what kind of squash this is? It tastes like regular zucchini, but I have never seen anything like it and no one can tell me what type it is.

Hardiness Zone: 3a

Ragteller from Tofield, Alberta Canada



This is a lovely looking squash, and despite the fact that it looks familiar, I can't seem to find any good sources for identifying it. It looks like it has a tougher, slightly "warted" outer skin, which makes me think it's either an edible ornamental gourd or some type of winter squash (all squash are gourds, but not all gourds are squash). Around here, I've seen these in large bins at grocery stores and home improvement stores. Usually they are just lumped in with hundreds of others and labeled "ornamental" of "fancy." Did you grow this or purchase it?


It appears to be two-toned rather than transitioning to a solid color. I would certainly guess that it's a hybrid of some type, but it might be fun to save the seeds for planting next year just to see what you come up with. It also looks like a wonderful size for baking stuffed and serving at holiday meals. In any case, if you are able to eventually figure it out, please post the answer here. You have certainly sparked my curiosity and I would love to try to grow some of my own!



September 3, 20060 found this helpful

This looks like a fancy zucchini to me. I like to get this kind around Halloween and dry them - makes a pretty decoration. Meanwhile, enjoy!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 156 Feedbacks
September 3, 20060 found this helpful

Did you purchase this in a store, or did you grow it yourself? My brother has a vegetable garden and at the end of the season does not pick all of the yellow and zucchini squash, the following year some of them had self seeded and he had a cross between the two.


He cooked one up and said that it tasted just like a zucchini. Maybe you have one of those, or a commercial hybrid of the two.

By LRP (Guest Post)
September 6, 20060 found this helpful


September 6, 20060 found this helpful



Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
September 12, 20060 found this helpful

I've seen gourds that look a lot like that (two-toned). Do you think a gourd and a zucchini inter-pollinated to produce a new variety? I agree that you should save some seeds to see if you can grow them again.


As long as they taste good. I'd call a local university's Extension Service to see if they are able to guide you. Maybe they'd like some seeds to plant too.

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August 5, 2010

Why is my yellow squash rotting on the vine when it is halfway to maturity? It is shaded by the corn growing next to it and watered every other day. The summers are hot, always sunny and dry here, (avg. 28 C), so it seems unlikely it could be too much water. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hardiness Zone: 9a

By christine from San Remo, Italy


August 6, 20100 found this helpful

The most likely problem is blossom end rot. It can be caused by many different things. Extreme soil moisture fluctuation. Rapid plant growth in spring followed by extended dry weather. Excessive rain that smothers root hairs. Or even excess soil salts.


The fix could be to make a soil amendment to have a well drained soil. Also avoid high ammonia fertilizers and large amounts of fresh manure. And if you have salty soil or water provide more water to leach the salts through the soil.

August 8, 20100 found this helpful

Could you pick the squash up a little so it would not be on the ground?

June 27, 20110 found this helpful

I am starting to have the same problem with my cucumbers and squash. My questions are, what can you do about soil or drainage at this point, all of the plants are in the dirt and on their way? What is paint brushing?

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April 15, 2009

Something is chewing through the roots of my squash plants, just below the surface. The only bugs I've seen are ants and pill bugs. Could one of these be the culprit? What can I do to stop this before all of my plants are gone? Thanks so much.

Hardiness Zone: 9b

By mandy from Brevard County, FL


April 15, 20090 found this helpful

That would probably be the squash borer beetle. A google search should tell you what to do.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
April 19, 20090 found this helpful

To prevent heavy infestation, rotate crops and use lightweight row covers until flowering. Cultivate soil in autumn to bring overwintering stage to the surface. Remove all crop residues at the end of the growing season, dust the base of the plant regularly with rotenone, inject Bt into the stems, or handpick the caterpillars by cutting open the stem and killing the caterpillar. You may can save your plant doing this if you catch it in time. Also, if you can, find varieties resistant to borers. good luck.

April 21, 20090 found this helpful

Sevin dust will kill them. Any garden supply will carry it. Even Walmart has it. The dust is best and easier to apply than the liquid. Be sure to get it on the backs of the leaves and on the ground. Sounds like squash borer to me too. They are really bad on squash.

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How can I battle the squash bugs effectively? I lose my squash, cucumber, and melons to them every year! I try to stay up on the eggs, but it's just not enough. I've tried so many pesticides, but they have done more damage then help. I am hoping to find more of an organic solution.

By Kym Roberts-Hardesty


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
May 4, 20110 found this helpful

Most home made sprays use oil, garlic juice, dish liquid soap, red pepper, and water. I'd throw it all in, about 1 tablespoon each. I'd also go out with bucket of soapy water and knock any I found into the water.

If you can have hens, I'd let them loose in the garden to pick off the bugs, and then remove from area. I hear guinea fowl are good too, but a bit noisy.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 172 Posts
May 9, 20110 found this helpful

Somebody that sells produce at our farmer's market said that if you wait till about June 1 to plant squash, their cycle has passed and you will not get them. I have never tried this myself so can't say for sure this is true. I am just passing on what she said.

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May 30, 2008

Why are my crookneck squash rotting at the tips?

Hardiness Zone: 9a

Darlene from Carriere, MS


May 31, 20080 found this helpful

Hi Darlene - there are 2 possible reasons. One is called BER (blossom end rot) a common problem in the early spring with all fruiting plants and it has several causes including cool wet weather, too much nitrogen fertilizer, or inconsistent soil moisture levels. You can find out much more about it by Googleing BER.

The other possible reason is called "fruit abortion" due to incomplete or inadequate pollination. It is also quite common early in the gardening year and usually resolves itself once the plant matures a bit more and the weather settles. If it doesn't, you can hand pollinate the blooms for better success.

The way to tell which is the problem is by the size of the fruit. BER fruit will be close to normal size but with a rotted blossom end. Aborted fruit is usually much smaller.


June 4, 20080 found this helpful

Choanephora Cucurbitarum :
Symptoms:Soft rotting fungus enters fruit from blossom end, rapidly developing a fluffy mass of fruiting bodies.
Control:Cultural practices that reduce fruit contact with soil, or splashing of infected soil onto fruit are beneficial. Fungicide sprays may be required.

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September 4, 2011

How can I keep pests from eating my summer squash without chemicals?

By garden maid from Clarksville, TN


September 7, 20110 found this helpful

Try a mixture of liquid dish soap (perhaps 1/2 cup) to a gallon of water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray over the leaves of your plants. Works well for me.

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July 22, 2013

I need a way that is not chemically dangerous to rid my garden of squash bugs that kill the plant overnight.

By Toebeanie

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May 28, 2012

How far apart do I plant summer squash?

By Jennifer

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June 17, 2011

The fruit of my zucchini and crookneck squash plants is growing more slowly than usual and the tips of the fruit are getting soft and rotten. Anyone know what's going on? The plants otherwise look healthy.

By Gary D.

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Check out these photos.

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 15, 2016

Here is a photo of my first summer squash. It's so exciting to garden!

Summer Squash


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 15, 2016

This is the first summer squash of the season. I find being in the garden more entertaining than any show on TV or the theater. If you look closely in the picture, you will see that there are going to be more.

small yellow squash with flower still attached


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
June 2, 2014

That dollar bill used for size comparison really washed out for some reason.

squash plant


November 6, 2017

If your squash is producing smaller fruit it can be the result of a number of things, such as watering, fertilizers used, the variety planted, and more. Trial and error may help determine the cause. This is a page about what to do when summer squash is not growing large.

Woman With Summer Squash Harvest


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

August 5, 2010

I have a squash and zucchini problem. Both seem to be dying on the vine. I saw a post about the zucchini and was wondering if you think it's a pollination problem.

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