
Growing Tomatoes in Containers

I have Big Boy tomato plants that I am growing in smart pots on my deck. I went through some bottom end rot, and added tomato-tone feedings. I lost about 15 tomatoes. Now I have some curling leaves on the bottom of the plants which I believe is over watering so I will wait and see how that goes.


But my question is that so much growth has gone into leaves and stalks (over 4 feet tall) that the fruit is in a forest of leaves and stalks and I don't know how to get sunlight to them to have them turn red? I have cages around the plants to keep them from falling over. Any ideas?

Hardiness Zone: 5a

By Vickie from Chicago, IL


Growing Tomatoes in Containers

I have the same species of tomatoes in five gallon buckets on my patio, my plants are really tall too, I do have some tomatoes on them. I have three tomatoes that have been on the plants for about two months and they aren't anywhere near the size that they should be. If they ever ripen they won't be anywhere near the 1-2 pounds the stake that was in the plants said the tomatoes would be.


I used to have really good luck with this species when I had an actual garden. I think my problem might be that they don't get near enough sunlight, and besides that we have had a horrible amount of rain this summer. (08/05/2010)

By Joan

Growing Tomatoes in Containers

My tomato plant, grown in a clear plastic storage bin with plenty of sunlight, is about 6' tall, staked everywhere I can put a stake. I stopped by our local cooperative extension office and they told me too much watering will cause excessive growth and leaf wilt. My tomatoes also have catface, a condition where the blossom petals on the tomato top attracts excess water. The tomatoes themselves are edible below the catface and very watery.

I was told too much watering as this leads to excess branch growth and a smaller crop of tomatoes, but in containers, tomatoes need to be watered daily. It is too late to do anything about mine, but I have learned a good lesson for next year. I shall reduce the amount of watering next year, and as advised, quit feeding after the middle of July.


In the meantime, we will enjoy the tomatoes we have, and next year we will implement the right way of growing tomatoes. (08/07/2010)

By leeanne collins

RE: Growing Tomatoes in Containers

Growing Tomatoes in Containers

Firstly it looks like your tomatoes have what's called blossom end rot. This is caused by inconsistent watering. Once the vine has fruited you must water and feed at regular intervals, re: too much greenery. Once the fruit has set it is recommended that all non fruiting side shoots be removed. This is so that the sun can get to the fruit to ripen them. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Jan UK (08/07/2010)

By jan nash

Growing Tomatoes in Containers

Your plants cannot absorb from the soil below so you need to add some iron to their mix. You can get this at any Menards, Lowe's, etc. Also, you need to add Epsom salts, directions on package, but it is 2 tsp per foot of plant, every 2 weeks. Mix in water is best, or make sure to water good. In your case of container planting, mix ahead of time and schedule.


I used to do container gardening and found my stuff was much better with big beds off the ground. The planters were 4x8 by 15 inches. They can be anywhere in the yard. Mix with sterile soil, mulch, sand, peat. I have a mini tiller for flowerbeds and so mix with that. Before planting, add Epsom salts (directions for bulk mixing on the bag) and Miracle Gro. Then till under. Then plant. Tomatoes/peppers, etc also need bone meal or blood meal in their planting systems to avoid the blossom end rot.

These are so tried and true from master gardeners, green house owners and then tried by me over the last years. Wow. My Romas are baseball sized already. I water daily here in MN.
Consistent watering is a must Another thing, keep the plant trimmed 10 inches from the bottom of the plant for air to move and also set the limit of how tall you will let it grow, then trim it back to that length. Makes for a bigger and better, healthier crop of tomatoes, peppers, etc. (08/07/2010)


By Grandma J

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