
Growing an Osage Orange Tree "Hedge Apple"?

Osage Orange Tree "Hedge Apple"
The Osage Orange tree is a native to the Red River Valley of Oklahoma and Texas. They were used as living fences by early settlers. It is often grown today as an ornamental in home landscapes. This is a page about growing an Osage orange tree "hedge apple".

2 Questions

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Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
September 2, 2008

Someone on this site recommended Osage Oranges to repel spiders. Does anyone out there know what Osage Oranges are and where I can buy some? Thanks!



September 2, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Unfortunately it is a myth that osage oranges repel spiders. I would fill the house with them if it were true.

There is a pic of osage oranges there too.

September 4, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Another name for Osage Oranges is Hedge Apples. They do really work. Cut them up (but make sure you put a plate under them as they leak) or leave them whole. I bought mine in a grocery store in the Fall.


I had lots of spiders in my basement bathroom so I put one in a paper bag and for over 6 months I never saw another spider.

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October 26, 2010

How can I get a hedge apple or Osage orange tree start or started?

Hardiness Zone: 9a

By Joyce Ely


September 20, 20130 found this helpful

Put your osage oranges in a barrel or container with holes in the lid, put an inch of water in the bottom 1 inch no more. Let them freeze during winter, when spring comes and they thaw, smash them up add a little water and make a slurry, pour the slurry in a plowed ground, and wala you have a osage tree.

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