Silver Post Medal for All Time! 254 Posts
I forgot to insulate my pipes before the temperatures dropped. See how I fixed my big mistake without it costing me an arm and a leg.
- First off, I would like to say I got very lucky. I was getting my house ready to be sold and was no longer living in it. So, when the temperatures suddenly dropped. I thought nothing of it. A week or so of freezing temperatures went by before I remembered that my garden hose was still hooked up and on. The only thing stoping the water flow was the sprayer hooked up to the hose. I panicked! I had heard all the stories of frozen pipes bursting and both my mom and dad's words of advice came flowing in, "Always remember to remove you hose and put a insulator over your faucet before the first freeze!"

- I checked online first and learned what other people had done in my situation. The method I chose was to use a hair dryer on the faucet. I hooked up my hairdryer to an extension cord and dragged it outside and started to warm the faucet, all the while crossing my fingers that water would start flowing. After about 1 minute of heating, the faucet the water started to trickle out. I continued to blow heat onto the faucet and eventually it started to flow regularly.

- I hip hip hoorayed and promptly put an insulator over the faucet. Yay for no broken pipes!

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