
Halloween Costumes Made from Things Around the House?

October 28, 2010

I need a Halloween costume for me and my boyfriend for a party. What can I make with stuff I have around the house?

By mary from Columbus, OH



October 29, 20100 found this helpful
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Be a Princess and a Frog Prince. Wear a nice dress and he can wear green clothes and both wear crowns made out of yellow paper.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
October 29, 20100 found this helpful
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My daughter and a friend are wearing pink sweats and pig noses, ears and tails. Then, they are velcroing them selves together to be siamese pigs. You could wear bibs, then make a cardboard box look like a dell computer. Wear it around your middle and you are the "farmer in the dell" Wear some old clothes and make straw by cutting up a paper bag and stuff it up sleeves and other areas, paint up your face and be a scarecrow.


The other one could be dressed in all black and make their face to be the crow.

October 29, 20100 found this helpful
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I think it was here on TF that I read of a couple that went as salt and pepper shakers. I thought it was absolutely brilliant. The best part is everything is available right in your home (for the most part). And if not, it would be very inexpensive to obtain items needed. One of you wear all white, the other all black. If you do not have solid black and white clothing, sweats and misc shirts can be turned inside out. On the chest place a large S on the white and a large P on the black.

For the tops of the shakers, use a round container or even a piece of cardboard. Cover this in aluminum foil to resemble the shaker tops and on the very top place black dots for the shaker top holes.


This can be done with a permanent marker or even black paper cut into dots. These of course would be placed on your head so use what would fit you most comfortably.

Do a search here on TF for this homemade costume. My instructions do not do justice to the original creator. She explained the instructions well and also had a picture, which is always nice! Good luck to you and enjoy! If you get a chance, please post whatever you decide to go with for us all to see!

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