Not too long ago, my mother told me she started mincing up raw garlic and swallowing them like pills first thing in the morning with water, all to help her stay healthy and keep her cholesterol down. I can tell you I usually just trust her homeopathic ways, but I started doing it myself and I feel so good.
Mum's words were that doing this helps with staving off colds, lowering bad cholesterol, regulating blood sugar, boosting immunity, and warding off sore throats. My father is diabetic and this has been helping him quite a bit. If your tummy can be sensitive, start by mincing half a clove and having it fresh with a glass of water, then work your way up. This can be used daily as a preventative measure. Remember: swallow them with water, don't chew.
Another way to do this is by pouring 1 cup of raw honey in a glass jar, then dropping in 10 to 12 whole cloves of peeled garlic. Allow to sit in a dark, cool place for 7 to 10 days, then swallow one clove on an empty stomach when you're feeling a bit under the weather. This is a great alternative to things like over-the-counter cold-fighting syrups. This method is not for diabetics, however. (Use the minced version above.)
Source: My mum :)
Applying garlic directly to your nails may help to strengthen them. This is a page about use garlic for stronger nails.