
Hearing Aids Reviews?

October 9, 2004

Hearing AidsI am having a hearing problem and am checking into getting a hearing aid. Can someone tell me their experiences with this - whether good or bad.


Need this quickly.

Billie from GA


By Walle (Guest Post)
October 9, 20040 found this helpful

Hi I live in Sask; Canada. I have had my digital hearing aids for 4 years. These are progamable to the amount of hearing loss and digitally adjust sound. Cost here is about $1,200.00 per ear. It is very important to keep the ears as well as the hearing aids clean. Alcohol wipes work well. Noisey
partys or people gatherings are a bit of a problem.
meetings and conversations are fine.""""

By Monique (Guest Post)
October 10, 20040 found this helpful

Hello, my Mother is hard of hearing and has tried many hearing aids over the years. She is now using Digital ones,she says they are fantastic. Cutting out all background noises~ they are the best she's ever had. One pitfall though is they are quite expensive. But i think worth every single penny for her happiness.
So my advise if you are needing these would be to definitely look into buying digital aids.
Good luck :D
Mon x

October 11, 20040 found this helpful

I can really say that the digital hearing aids are the best! I have had two other types and I love the digital.

I have two programs for each ear and am able to put in on program 2 when in a crowd. These are very pricey. It cost me $6000 for the two from Miracle ear 2 years ago on sale.


I have a type of hearing loss that needs the digital.

What ever type you use or obtain please ask to get a mini-dryer. It is a plastic jar with a special insert in them to dry out the aids. (must leave battery out).

I also use white vinegar to wipe the outside of the aids.

It really does help to wear 2 aids for balance. The first time I had them I only had one; two the second and now the third time 2.

I am 61 now and have had hearing aids for almost 15 years or so. Best of luck to you

By syd (Guest Post)
October 11, 20040 found this helpful

Remember, hearing aid specialist are in business to make as much money as possible, on selling a product that will best suit your individual needs!

Price is always a concern, so gather information on the various types of aids and prices, then compare apples to apples approach ... where ever you choose to get your aids. Being informed, sometimes can be a bargaining point in the price ... you may be able to negotiate a better price. Uninformed, you may pay whatever price the specialist sets!


Sometime ago, I pulled up information on the Internet on the various hearing problems and the different hearing aids for information purposes. I think it was back in 2001.

Do a Google search and there are probably many sites to check out.

I think there were specialists in my area (MD) that sold much cheaper (Internet pricing) than regular locally based non-participating specialist ... they were in a network that you could choose from, and visit personally.

Hope this helps.


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 64 Tips
October 17, 20040 found this helpful

There are different kinds of hearing loss, i.e. conduction, nerve etc. Each kind requires a different type of aid.


Have a doctor (ENT) or audiologist prescribe the right kind for you, then you might price shop it online.

November 17, 20040 found this helpful

Hi Billie, In reading your post although digital hearing aids are good, they do have their drawbacks, one of the drawbacks is the price, most go for a round 1,200 dollars. You may want to check into assisted hearing systems. They work really well and are affordably priced. One that I use is the audium2. I have had a siemans hearing aid for years but after I purchased the audium2 i would not trade it for anything. Check out their website at I think you may find it enlightening. Good luck

By Ginny (Guest Post)
December 16, 20040 found this helpful

I am told the Siemens hearing aids cost approx $7,400 for a pair with 3 years of service 3 years of Batteries and a dryer does anyone have an opinion on this price?


thanx Ginny

By Chris (Guest Post)
March 10, 20050 found this helpful

Ibought the Audium2 on-line and it works perfectly for me. The quality is amazing and the price was right. Hope this helps.

By Stefan Solvell (Guest Post)
July 11, 20050 found this helpful

Hearing Device

This Web site:

offers two ALDs (assistive listening devices) that our customers say work great.

By jannec (Guest Post)
February 28, 20080 found this helpful

A hearing evaluation by a hearing care professional can help determine your individual needs. Digital hearing aids can work for every type of hearing loss, but there are many different technology levels. The most important thing is to find a hearing care provider that you feel comfortable with. The service and ongoing care is an important ingredient in rehabilitating your hearing. It is not a product that you are buying "off the shelf".


It is a hearing solution that varies depending on many individual factors. Understanding how hearing aids work and how the brain can be rehabilitated to improve speech understanding is a huge factor in someone's success in adapting to amplification. Most hearing care clinics carry many brands. All these brands have different technology levels. For example, Siemens has an entry level circuit all the way up to the latest technology available.

The individual that is working with you and the ongoing care you will receive is the most relevant factor in this process. That said, Siemens, Unitron and Phonak are all leading manufacturers and have informative websites, as does Sonus. (Sonus is a network of hearing care professionals, not a hearing aid brand.)

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4 More Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 8, 2010

Does anyone have any information on AGX hearing aids and their prices?

By Mary James from Denver, CO


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
January 10, 20100 found this helpful

I located this online, "When I think of my AGX Hearing Aid, the phrase 'I didn't know what I was missing' definitely comes to mind. The clarity and crispness of sounds and voices is remarkable, and the follow-up support and instruction is a big benefit. I don't want to be without them, now that I know exactly what I would be missing." - Dave Landis

"I really love my hearing aids. I only wish that I had gotten them years ago." - Joanne offers. Good luck.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
January 10, 20100 found this helpful

You need to call places to get prices on hearing aid, good luck.

August 1, 20120 found this helpful

I just came from a provider today in Sierra Vista, AZ. The pricing goes like this:

AGX0 - $3,300 minus a $500 deduction for out of pocket payer/ No ins.)
AGX3 - $4,100 " " "
AGX5 - $4,600 " " "
AGX7 - $5,200 " " "
AGX9 - $7,100 " " "

Needless to say, I won't be getting hearing aides.

This is insane!

April 19, 20150 found this helpful

Recently was contacted by Avada hearing care center. My aids are getting on in years and falling behind in technology so I went in for a hearing test and to try out the latest and greatest. Nice lady sales person/audiologist recommended the two of the top of line Oticon BTE aid. I liked them and after a couple of adjustments they worked well. Not the significant improvement I had hoped for over my old aids however but with additional fine tuning thought they might be, worth a try. Not at $8,000.00 a set thank you very much.

Told the audiologist it would take a major reduction in price to get me to make the purchase and also said I was aware there was a new advanced processor comming on line with Phonaks V series aids leading the way. Advised I would wait for that technology to come to market with Oticon. She said they would have those aids available shortly and would send me the literature on them. What I got in the mail was a presentation of AGXE line. Yep the old fashion switcharu.

I won't be buying from these folks as it a obvious attempt to avoid any price pressure from me or the market as a direct product comparison in my small market will probably be impossible. Looks like I will once again be forced to use a on line vender which I did last time and bought 2 Unitron Moxie 20's with the remote for a little less than $3000.00. Local quote for these aids with remote. $7000.00. Wish I was close to a Costco that would be a option but fortunately you can buy aids on line and use a chosen local aid dealer to set up and the initional adjustments for about half of what the aids can be bought at Avada. Then pay $45.00 per visit after that and no "free" batteries after the first year. Think I can live with that and pocket over $3700.00 as a benefit.

July 26, 20160 found this helpful

i just bought the AGX 7 for 2945.00 in goodletsville tn

November 10, 20160 found this helpful

h0w much are the agx hearing aids agx3,5,7,9?

October 28, 20180 found this helpful

Yes, it is a difficult pill to swallow. I tried a hearing aid in my left ear for a year. It was never right. All I heard is "it's not supposed to do that". When I asked to talk with the Audiologist who I had never had from the first appointment, she said she had a minute. Decided to go to another Audiologist. Very nice. Has tried but the clarity is not there. I now have almost $7,000 in hearing aids and not hearing well. I would do it if it were my first experience. Wish I had tried others before I made the decision.

April 6, 20220 found this helpful

AGX is a private labeling of hearing aids for practices affiliated with Audigy group. AGX are private label of the major HA manufacturers.

AGXR - GN ReSound
AGXS - Starkey
AGXO - Oticon
AGXsi - sivantos (formerly Siemens)
AGXW - Widex

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February 9, 2011

A friend of mine wants to know if anybody has bought them (diyhearingaides) and if he can trust the company.
Thank you.

By Irmgard A. Meyer from TX


December 6, 20120 found this helpful

Anyone have any experience with their repair service?

May 4, 20140 found this helpful

I have had DIY hearing aids for 4 years. Excellent service. Excellent performance. Very, very professional group of folks.

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February 12, 2007
Product: Sonus Hearing Aids

Manufacturer: Sonus

Request: What are the best hearing aids? How is Sonus?

Harold Sims from Gulfport, FL


February 28, 20070 found this helpful

Harold, I don't know anything about hearing aids. If the hearing loss has been diagnosed by a doctor a hearing aid would probably be needed. However, hearing loss is very often due to compacted wax in the ear canal. A doctor can clean it out or it can be loosened first with Debrox or other over-the-counter ear cleaner. I know someone, a senior citizen too, who thought he was losing hearing in one ear but after a thorough cleaning first by Debrox and then flush by his doctor the hearing was fine. Cleaning the ears should be part of daily hygiene. Easiest way to keep ears clean and prevent wax buildup is to let the shower splash in them and then clean them dry inside with cotton swabs.

By jannec (Guest Post)
February 28, 20080 found this helpful

While it is true that a wax impaction can cause hearing loss and you certainly can have a medical evaluation to rule that and other medical causes out, a hearing care professional can determine the type and severity of hearing loss with a hearing evaluation. Sadly, hearing loss is often left untreated in part because of misinformation about hearing aids and how they can help or because people are in denial that they have a hearing loss that is affecting their lives.

SONUS is not a hearing aid brand, it is a network of hearing care clinics that offer many brands and technology levels. There is no magic hearing aid, the most important part of the rehabilitation process is the hearing care provider that is fitting the hearing aid and the ongoing service and care.

That said, digital hearing aids are far superior to the older analog hearing aids, finding the best digital hearing aid depends on many factors, including your personal hearing loss and the situations that you expect to hear better in. Again, it is important to find someone to help you that you feel comfortable with. The best hearing loss solutions vary depending on the individual's needs.

By Brian (Guest Post)
March 10, 20080 found this helpful

None of this reviews sonus...and yes, sonus is a brand, made in Switzerland. Has anyone USED them that can give input?

By Juie (Guest Post)
April 26, 20080 found this helpful

Check out and you will learn that Sonus is a marketing organization that takes advantage of volume sales of many brands of hearing aids. They encourage hearing care providers to become "free members." They offer the members seminars in marketing and "taking advantage of the managed care and PPO industry" (at the bottom of that chain is YOU, the customer!)

I agree with Jannec (posted 2/18): "There is no magic hearing aid, the most important part of the rehabilitation process is the hearing care provider who is fitting the hearing aid and the ongoing service and care." The most state-of-the-art hearing aid is worthless if the provider cannot program it to work for you.

I'm sure there are many hearing care professionals within the Sonus network who are conscientious and reputable.

My provider seemed more interested in the "fun" of "playing" with his computer program. He billed me over $5,000 plus tax for EACH hearing aid that non-Sonus providers charged $2800 or less for. But he gave me a great "discount" to $2800. Unfortunately, that discount negated the contractual PPO/provider discount with my insurance company. In addition he charged a $495 "dispensing fee" for EACH hearing aid that no one mentioned until it appeared on the bill.

In researching after the fact, I have not found ANY providers who charge that type fee. I don't know if it's Sonus' or the franchise I chose.

I have a pair of EXPENSIVE digital hearing aids stored in their case because the provider could not program them for me. (You would think that would be covered by the dispensing fee!)

Bottom line--choose by the competence of the provider, not the franchise. Check ahead on the dispensing fee. If they charge one--RUN! It's a sign that your hearing is not their main interest!

By Jane (Guest Post)
June 11, 20080 found this helpful

You should NEVER use cotton swabs to clean wax out of your ears. Cotton swabs can, and usually do impact the wax even further. Nothing smaller than your elbow should go in your ear. If you have a serious wax problem, then a hearing professional should clean it out for you.

By Jody (Guest Post)
August 9, 20080 found this helpful

I have a pair of Siemens hearing aids and I got them at Sonus. I was impressed with the service I got at sonus. The really made it easy. They offer a FREE 3 year warranty on the hearing aids. I think they work with most of the main companies that make the hearing aids.

By bonnie (Guest Post)
September 10, 20080 found this helpful

I'm so grateful for Sonus, I didn't realize how much I was missing and when I need adjustment. They're always there to make it right, from batteries to tones. I only have 30% hearing in right ear and lost in left so I wear 2 hearing aids. It was so important to my job to hear. I work in the hospital. Patient voices were low, doctors were loud but Sonus automatically adjusts to what ever environment your in. It takes a while to adjust. You've got to remember you couldn't hardly hear yourself talk let alone someone else and they have credit plans to help you get them. I even got one stolen and I got a replacement.

By jannec (Guest Post)
October 25, 20080 found this helpful

Re Brian's post on 3-10-2008, In regards to HEARING AIDS, No, Sonus is not a BRAND, it is a network of Hearing Health Care Professionals. Sonus can provide most major brands of hearing aids but it is their high standard of patient care that separates them from other companies. It can be very confusing to try to assess which "brand" of hearing aid is right for you and in truth, most brands have the same levels of technology. This is why it is very important to find a hearing care provider that you trust.

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October 5, 2010

What are the best brands for hearing aids users have found?

By Laura from Tampa, FL


October 5, 20100 found this helpful

I like Phonak brand. It's a over the ear model with volume control.

I tried an "in the ear" model but it's volume is adjusted by the technician and it was just awful.

October 5, 20100 found this helpful

I have never bought a hearing aid because my insurance man told me he had a $4,000 hearing aid in the dresser drawer at home. My dad had one and all it did was buzz and was annoying. So I just deal with it. My hearing is not that bad yet. Just wanted to warn you that they are not what they are cracked up to be before you spend your hard earned money on something and then be disappointed with it. Good luck.

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