I made this quilt block into a table runner for Valentine's Day.
Total Time: 3 hours
Yield: 1
- fabric scraps for patchwork
- fabric scraps for background squares surrounding patchwork
- fabric strips for outer edges
- fabric for backing
- 1/8 inch ribbon for tying
- large eye needle
- scissors
- pins
- sewing machine
- thread
- batting
- Cut twenty-five 2 inch squares from fabric scraps. (Five of these will be used for half square triangles.) Cut six 2 inch squares for background surrounding the heart and five 2 inch squares for the half triangles. (I found out, after the fact, that solid colors work best!)
- To make the half square triangles (when completed you will have ten squares), place the background fabric on the bottom and a patchwork square on the top, right sides together. Pin. Using a ruler, draw a line from one corner to the other. Sew a 1/4 inch seam on either side of the pencil line. Cut along the pencil line. This will make two half square triangles. Press open and trim ends off to make the square even. Place the half square triangles around the patchwork squares as pictured below:
- Sew rows together starting at the top of the block, sewing across. When done, attach each of the rows together by pinning and then sewing using 1/4 inch seams.

- Add strips to top of block; pin and sew. Add strips to sides of block. Pin and sew.

- Cut batting to fit quilt block. Cut backing about 1 1/2 inches larger than quilt block. Place backing, right side down, then batting in center, then finished quilt block on top like a sandwich. Center and safety pin together. Using a large eye needle and narrow ribbon, "sew" around the Valentine shape, then tie with ribbon to hold the block together. I just tied the block in a few areas. Unpin.

- Fold the outer edge of the backing to overlap the block. Pin. Hand or machine sew around the border.
NOTE: Press each time you sew a row and when the final block is completed. 
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