
High School Graduation Party Ideas

May 17, 2013

High School Graduation Party CupcakesI'm having a graduation party for my 17yr old and then a bonfire so afterwards. So I'm looking for food ideas that are inexpensive. I'm not sure if I would be better off with finger foods or a type of meal. Any ideas would help so much. This is my first to graduate and then she's going into the military; so I want this to be even more special. Help me.


Thank you.

By Tracy P


May 19, 20130 found this helpful

A couple of ideas for a fun night. Wrap potatoes in foil and cook in the coals. Marshmallows to toast.

May 20, 20130 found this helpful

This weekend hotdogs and grilling supplies will be on sale. Purchase those for a cookout, and/or for pigs in a blanket. Sam's club has huge bags of lettuce for $2.50 in my area, purchase some tomatoes and cucumbers at a local farmers market!

May 20, 20130 found this helpful

Aldi the grocery store chain has strawberries for $.99 per container and pineapples for the same price. Add mango even cheaper, and marshmalows and make beautiful fruit kabobs.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 24, 2011

I am looking for ideas for a high school graduation party for my daughter. She is joining Americorp after graduation. I would like to do something with a travel theme. Any ideas?

By Sheila from Chittenanog, NY


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
March 25, 20110 found this helpful

The people that I know don't have themes. They just use the usual graduation party decorations. Maybe it is because the people I know can't afford the decorations necessary to do theme parties, but they usually just use balloons and whatever they can find in dollar stores or thrift stores.

March 28, 20110 found this helpful

Hi Sheila. I don't have a specifically thought out travel theme idea, but I've always wanted to do something fun and creative with old maps and atlases. You could use actual old maps and atlas pages or photo copy such to make envelops and invitations (use a solid white label or a computer program to white out the actual send/return addresses and text of invitations for clarity.)


If you don't have any old maps or atlases, you can find them inexpensively in thrift shops and used book stores.

If you have tables, instead of table cloths, tape old road maps, atlas pages together to cover the table tops (emphasis on "old" - they will be trash by the end of the party!)

Make any menu, appetizers, desserts, etc., thematic as to regional cuisine across America, and (if you serve buffet style) display an attractive, creative, brief "info" card by each dish. Clusters of tiny American flags or state flags - on tiny sticks that look like flagpoles - and tastefully arranged in floral foam could be designed in containers decorated for centerpieces, etc.

If gifts will be brought to the party, make a "gift table" by placing an old, large, open travel trunk or suitcase for the gifts to be placed in and around and decorate accordingly.


Again, this idea is not specific, but a) all of the above ideas are thrifty in nature and b) hopefully some of these ideas will spur on your imagination for a travel themed graduation party. Good luck and Congratulations to your daughter for her HS graduation!

May 4, 20110 found this helpful

There are a number of travel related themes you can use. Just as an example you might choose a tropical island paradise theme or an eco travel theme where everything must be recycled. As an example, the tropical theme can have fake passports or travel tickets as the invites. You can get lots of travel brochures and any other posters you can find to help decorate. have a sandy area in your backyard and try and hire or borrow things like a fake plam tree, shells etc. Guests can easily find Hawaiian style clothing, for example so it is simple and fun for them.


The food can be themed on the tropical island with lots of fruit, coconut, salads and other buffet items. You might even be able to find lots of little things like coconut style mugs. There are so many great touches you can find if you have the time.

This one works well if your guests will be uplifted by the excitement of the theme and in particular the graduate's big day.
Resource: www.graduation-invitations-graduation.../graduation-party-ideas.html

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March 29, 2011

My son is graduating from high school, so we're planning a graduation party. Does anyone have ideas for an easy, inexpensive punch that would be either black or gold colored?

By LeaAnn from Mitchell, SD


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
March 29, 20110 found this helpful

Oh yes, Mitchell Kernels. My two daughters graduated from there many in the eighties. When my grandaughter graduated from high school in Sioux Falls, they served sloppy joes, potato salad, cole slaw, and I made a huge batch of pasta salad. Then they had the cake, coffee, tea, and they obtained one of those big coolers from McDonalds and served the orange drink that comes with the cooler. I can't remember how you get the large cooler, as to weather or not it is free or minimal charge. As far as the cake goes, you can just make a couple 9x13 cakes and frost them with gold colored frosting and then use black frosting and make some squiggles on the cakes.


To get a true gold frosting and a black frosting, you would have to use the paste type food coloring. The sloppy joes would be about as low cost as you can get, and you could make that up in batches at different times and freeze it until you need it. Or else the night before make it in several slow cookers or else even the morning of graduation, if you have your meat, etc. pre-cooked, all you would have to do is get the stuff in the slow cookers early enough so that it would be warm whatever time the party starts.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
March 29, 20110 found this helpful

Recipe for Gold colored punch

2 Pkgs. Kool Aid--orange and lemonade flavors
1-1/2 cups sugar 2 qts. water
1-12 oz. can frozen lemonade


1 can pineapple juice(I assume the large size)
ginger ale, 7-up, or squirt
Disslove Kool-Aid and sugar in water, add frozen lemonade and pineapple juice and mix well. Add the sodas when ready to serve.

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April 17, 2008

I'm looking for graduation ideas for my son who is graduating from high school. I know it's going to be an outdoor event but I looking for ideas that a guy would like and not be embarrassed when his friends come over.

Donna from Cincinnati, OH


By JC (Guest Post)
April 18, 20080 found this helpful

What are his interests? Sports, computers, what is his career choice? Do posters and programs of his interest.

Display awards he has received along with photos. Use the school colors and music that he likes and his favorite foods.

April 25, 20080 found this helpful

If you live in a home/place that allows for it you should have a large campfire... guys that age love bonfires and snacks are real easy-s'mores. When my step-brother graduated my parents had a canopy in one part of the backyard with food and tables and the bonfire with seating, s'more supplies all around... it worked great because when my brothers friends arrived they were not "bored" hanging around with family members they didn't know yet they were close enough that everyone was intermingling and having a great time. My parents also allowed a few of his friends and some family members to pitch tents and she had bagels and juice for everyone in the morning. If your son is one that would enjoy something sentimental, ask everyone to write down one memory of your son's school career on an index card (include in invites) and then either scrap book them with pictures from the party as a gift later or stick them in a photo album for a gift later. Also, if you would like to say something or make a toast without embarrassing your son have a bottle of sparkling juice on each table and make a quick toast... not using wine allows he and his friends to be involved and not be so embarassing... my family also asked if anyone else would like to say some words and a few of my brothers friends got involved, it was not only nice but a fun way to acknowledge his accomplishment.

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February 8, 2015

I'm starting to plan my daughter's graduation party that is about 4 months away. I'm not very creative so I need ideas. We live in Corpus Christi Texas so I'm trying to find a place also. My daughter likes R&B music and dancing. I know I'm hiring a DJ, but that's pretty much all I have now. Please help.

By candy cinamon


February 9, 20150 found this helpful

Whatever happened to basic open house type parties for just family only? The refreshments consisted of sandwiches, cake, coffee, and punch. There wasn't any entertainment, it was a time for visiting.

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June 4, 2013

I am a high school graduate for this year, 2013, and I plan to have graduation party. However, I am trying to think of a theme and trying to stick with school colors, which are black and gold, but at the same time have a different theme. What kind of theme I should do for my graduation party?


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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

March 24, 2011

I'm 16 years old and graduating very soon (within a couple months). I am having a graduation party this summer and need some more ideas. My personality is kind of earthy meets glam rock (confusing, I know).

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