
Holiday Exchange Party Ideas

December 17, 2005

Holiday Gift Exchange PartyGather neighbors and friends and exchange gift certificates for jobs and tasks that others can do to help each other for no charge. For example: haircuts, babysitting, baking, raking, etc.


By Anne from NV



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

December 4, 2006

I am having a holiday party/ornament exchange for my daughter that is turning 13. We will make ginger bread houses and have a projector show a movie. Do you have ideas for party favors or activities that will keep them occupied?

Helga from MN


By Lola (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

I was thinking about my child's 11th birthday when they were playing a game where they have a name of an actor or acteress and they asked others yes or no answers to figure out who they were and the 1st person to answer right got a prize it was fun and not childish!

By Miss Victoria W. (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

Heidi you have contacted the right person! I know this sounds weird but, I am a young person's party planner! I have just the thing! Have a punch bowl filled with a favorite holiday non-alcoholic drink and have cinnamon and a mint leave in the center. Also make sure to have a list of the guests names so you make sure everyone is there. If you have a pet such as a cat or dog (even a ferret) put a red or plum floppy ribbon around it's neck and take a color or black and white photo of it and then have it on a gold gift bag with a elegant design. Cute, clever & cheep! Another adorable idea is to have chocolate covered fruits. (strawberries, blueberries, bananas or even pineapple!) Also have pomegranates as a decoration and you can eat them at the party or later. What ever you do make sure you know what you are doing before you send out the invites and send all the invites out at one time.


Please do not red plastic/velvet Christmas bows everywhere. It can be over powering and very tacky. Instead use small eggplant bows on the glasses and one large bow on the table but, no more bows than half the people. Use a long rectangular table and have a cream or biscuit colored table cloth on it that flows to the floor. Go to google images and put pictures of the Eiffel Tower and other elegant architecture. Then go to Kinkos and have them blown up and printed in black and white. Buy frames and put the pictures in them and after the party keep the frames or return them!

I hope this info helps you and your daughter.

Have a wonderful holiday party!
With Xs & Os,
Miss Victoria W.

By Polly (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

Give out lipgloss and mascara for the beautiful guests!

By Winnie (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

I was thinking that you should give out unique ornament to the holiday guests.

By Darcey (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

Mabye you could rent a projector from a store a show a very merry Christmas special or video!

By Darcey (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

Hand out Christmas cookies in a clear red or green bag with a ribbon on it. DELICIOUS!

By Liliana (Guest Post)
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

I was thinking a very long time about this and thought that you should give the guest each a holiday gift such as a necklace, cute knee highs or volumizing mascara.


(waterproff mascara for our drama queens)


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
December 5, 20060 found this helpful

wow i think you already have a lot to do. wont the gingerbread houses take about an hour. how about setting some board games out or a big puzzle?

By martha stuart (Guest Post)
December 6, 20060 found this helpful

That sounds like such a neat idea! Maybe you could throw in some arts and crafts?

By Rosanna (Guest Post)
December 6, 20060 found this helpful

What is a wonderful idea is to give out inexpensive perfums.

By Sarah (Guest Post)
December 6, 20060 found this helpful

I just think it is adorable when people have animals at the party!

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November 16, 2009

I would like tips and info on hosting a candy exchange party

By Davida from Mayport, PA


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 306 Posts
November 17, 20090 found this helpful

We used to have candy and cookie exchanges in a couple of ways. The first year I invited my daughter-in-law, sister and her daugher-in-law. Each was to bring a dozen each of three different kinds of cookies for each person present. I would have sugar cookie dough made ready to be cut out and I would provide all of the decorating items.


We would then decorate the baked sugar cookies and all would take home a share of them. We had a blast and everyone had a nice assortment of cookies. We did allow substitutions of candy instead of cookies some years. We traded the host each year. Our children were always in on the fun and mess.

November 20, 20090 found this helpful is a great site for cookie exchanges. Check out the site but substitute candy for cookies. The site has lots of information. Good luck and have fun. Margaret from Denton, Texas

November 21, 20090 found this helpful

We have a cookie/candy party every year. We start about 11am on a Sat or Sun. Each person brings a dozen cookies for equivalent of that in candy for each person.


We also do a dish to pass and a small gift exchange. Everyone always looks forward to it.

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March 5, 2013

This is a page about Christmas cookie exchange tips and recipes. If you participate in an annual cookie exchange, you are probably on the lookout for new tips and recipes all of the time.

Christmas Cookie Exchange

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