
Home Painting Assistance for Low Income Homeowners?

My elderly mom desperately needs her home that she's lived in for 52 yrs. painted. It's only been painted twice in all those years, I think. What she needs is someone to scrape and prepare the outside, my husband can spray paint it. My mom is very low income and can't afford much. I am looking for help for her.


Thank you.

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 24, 20180 found this helpful

Contact or Habitat for Humanity

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 26, 20180 found this helpful

Sorry to hear your mom is having issues. It is hard when this happens.

You don't mention her city/state, each state can have resources available to help low income home owners. In PA we are very fortunate to have a number of these (found by a simple search of Free home repairs and Pittsburgh, PA). You can do that same search for your city/state.


Sadly, many have waiting lists, so that is the down side.

Some other suggestions are:

1. Do you or your mom belong to a religious organization (church, synagogue, mosque etc.)? Some have discretionary funds that are used to help parishioners in need. It is all very private and no one needs to know. Perhaps they can offer funds and labor to help from the organizaiton's membership. Like a community service project.

2. Since you have a computer and are posting here, have you considered setting up a Go Fund Me or like crowd sourcing pages?
They are fairly easy to do, you tell her story and ask for help. I know from first hand experience they work if you work to get the message out there. If you could raise enough to help pay for materials, maybe suggestion 1 could help with the labor for the repairs.


The only thing is I also recently learned money from these things may count as income and may need reported to the IRS....see this link

If you go this route, you may want to have a professional do her taxes for the year of the process.

My last suggestion is just to ask everywhere...United Way, Rotary, Kiwanis etc. all may not be able to help directly, but may know someone who can.

Good luck! Prayers all around!

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
July 31, 20180 found this helpful

the obvious things are

- a free ad on craigslist FREE section, or barter section if you/your mum has something worth trading. Carries risks, of course


- a church or charity org
- a local school
- a local Boy Scouts or somesuch
- the HUD and government programs/grants (dependent on area)
- Habitat for Humanity
- Lions or Rotary Clubs small loans/grants/charity
- hold a bake sale or spaghetti dinner
- organize a round robbin n the neighborhood where everyone pitches in labour and paint. Amazing the things ppl could accomplish together even with no funds if they dared talk to each other and take $ out of the equation. Of course its way easier to throw $ at someone than to have Actual Human Relations

but i digress

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