I'm looking for a good home remedy for calloused feet. I've tried so many things on the market, but continuously have this problem.
Donna Marie
When mine are really bad, I go to bed with vaseline on my feet and socks. I wear socks everyday instead of sheer nylon type socks/hose and slacks so I don't need the sheer. Hope this helps. (02/02/2005)
By Maryanne
There are several things you can do to get rid of callouses. Wear the right size shoe, for one thing. A remedy I like is, rub your feet with petroleum jelly or vegetable shortening, very thick. Then, put a clean plastic bag, such a a breadsack, on your feet and wear them for a couple of hours.
You can also do the petroleum jelly/shortening routine at bedtime and roll on a pair of socks and sleep in them. Aunt Sharon from Texas (02/02/2005)
By Aunt Sharon from Texas
Corn huskers lotion is very good and inexpensive about $2 at your local retailer plus I use a callous shaver(also sold at your local retailer) as i have several on each foot. this seems to help a lot. my podiatrist also recommends diabetic insoles to help keep them form getting really bad (02/02/2005)
Calloused feet are often related to diet. Try decreasing refined starches (white flour) and sugars and increasing vegetables in your diet. It takes time to build up the callouses and it will take time to decrease them as well but it won't work unless you make a serious change in diet and stick to it.
I used to have horrible allergies. My feet were also prone to thick calloused area, especially around the edge of the heel. When I changed my diet for the allergies, decreasing the total load in my diet, my allergies became nearly non-existent. I also experienced the bonus of soft uncalloused skin developing on my feet. (02/03/2005)
By Rene
I have tried "everything" to rid my feet of callouses for the last 35 years . Just recently I saw a commercial on TV declaring that a certain anti fungal cream could cure chronic callouses that are caused by fungus. I had nothing to lose so I tried a generic anti fungal foot cream and guess what? It worked! I realize not everybody who has callouses has a fungal problem but it is worth a try and inexpensive. (09/18/2006)
By Rhonda.
Hit Mexico for a week. The sun, the sand and the salt will temporarily cure your condition. You should be callouse free for a month or so afterwards. (05/14/2007)
By lukas
I soak my feet in epson salts and fairly warm water till the water cools and then rub my feet with a towel which removes a lot of the dead skin. Then I put Vaseline on the callouses and pull on a pair of cotton socks for bed. After a few treatments the callouses are gone and my feet don't burn either. This is very soothing for all the little bones and muscles in your feet. I was a mailman for 30+ years and walked all day. After a few treatments you'll find that the callouses are reduced and your feet don't bother you as much during the day. (05/16/2007)
A good pedicurist (I don't mean a podiatrist!) should be able to remove all callouses. You will be able to walk pain free again. At least till your next pedicure. INVEST IN GOOD SHOES! (08/11/2007)
By Sandra
After a nice hot shower where you have left the drain closed, all the calloused skin softens. After removing what you can with a towel, use a pumice stone and gently remove all you comfortably can. Use vicks afterwards all over your feet, and heels, and in between toes, it will prevent future callouses from developing, and soften your feet. If in case they come back after regular use of vicks vapo rub, repeat tx. PS apply vicks to toenail fungus and within six months you will see new nail bed growth that is free from fungal infection. (12/19/2007)
By Robin
I like to use LouAna Coconut Oil. It is like a shortening in the oil aisle. It is smaller than the Crisco container. I also use shortening and have tried the Vick's also. The coconut oil works the best for me! (03/20/2008)
By Mickelle
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I broke my fibula and was in a boot. I applied Noxzema on my foot everyday and put on a sock. All of my Callouses fell off and also cleared toe fungus. My feet are like newborn now.
Against all conventional wisdom, I use a callus scraper--yes the razor blade. I am not ocd about anything, except my feet. The calluses grow back faster, but I scrape my feet 3 times a week, and do not have calluses. Exercise caution, you can really hurt yourself! I am almost 50, I do not have cracked heels, I have no calluses- -you must be faithful though, use a new blade every 3rd scrape, don't share with anyone.
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