
Home Remedy to Help Get to Sleep?

Does anyone have home remedies for people who cannot get to sleep, when counting sheep doesn't work?

By Yvonne


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August 17, 20120 found this helpful

I use melatonin supplements. You can read more about it on WebMD:

August 17, 20120 found this helpful

Everyone has an occasional sleepless night, but here are some things to try. Be sure to get exercise during the day, have a routine to signal your body it's time to wind down, do not eat a heavy meal at night, and spend 10 - 15 minutes journaling. That's my favorite. Get your irritations all down on paper, maybe some solutions and a schedule for morning.


List your blessings from the day to fill your mind with pleasant thoughts. If, after a 1/2 hour, you're still awake, get up and read or write until you get sleepy. Might as well use the time constructively!
Blessings, and have a good night.

August 17, 20120 found this helpful

Hi I use a oil burner with three or 4 drops of lavender and chamomile oil in water, which works for me, so I suggest you try it to see if it works for you. Regards, Carol P.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 155 Answers
August 18, 20120 found this helpful

Just as with babies, get yourself into a routine! Calming bath, milky drink, nice won't always work, but should help long-term. Spray lavender oil on your pillow; it does work.


If you are desperate, try taking a couple of paracetamol. This will relax you after half-an hour or so, but isn't good for habitual use. Also, again as with kids, try to tire yourself during the day, but not too much. Over-tiredness can keep you from sleep. You could also turn an over-active mind off with 'white noise'

August 18, 20120 found this helpful

Drinking a glass of warm milk works for some. Personally, a warm shower or soaking in a warm bath works.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
August 18, 20120 found this helpful

If I am kept awake by worries or thoughts of the day, I journal these - especially if they are troubling. If they are just "busy" thoughts, I do a crossword puzzle or a Suduko, as I find that these are interesting enough to keep my mind off of my worries, but not interesting enough to keep me awake. I sometimes read, but I find if the book is really good, I read far into the night. LOL I find I often fall asleep in front of the TV, although it is not something I recommend. Absolutely do not go onto the computer. That is guaranteed to keep you awake.


Another thing I do is to recite poetry - really long poems are best - silently, of course, in your mind. This seems to lull my brain. I think it is very important not to fuss and worry about not sleeping. Also be sure you are not drinking any coffee, cocoa, colas, energy drinks, tea, any pop (soda) as most kinds have caffeine, or eating chocolate anything after about 4 in the afternoon. I also agree with the others - a bedtime relaxing routine that signals "time to sleep" is very helpful. It is how we get kids to go to sleep and it works equally as well with adults.

August 18, 20120 found this helpful

For years, I have used hypnosis tapes and can go to sleep easily. I like the Potentials Unlimited ones. I have them for pain reduction, public speaking, etc.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
August 18, 20120 found this helpful

I was going to mention warm milk helps some but if you don't like milk (or are lactose intolerant) you could drink hot cocoa. Or...


I think there is a type of tea that helps you sleep. If you like hot tea you might look into that or ask a tea drinker they might know.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
August 25, 20120 found this helpful

Two things work for me. Fenugreek (in tea form or sprinkled in my food) and melatonin. Both knock me out for a good 7 hours and it doesn't take much at all.

January 7, 20140 found this helpful

Celestial Seasonings makes a Sleepy Time Tea especially for this issue, and it tastes pretty good. Just don't put any sweeteners in it! No sugar, chocolate, coffee, soda, etc. before bedtime. (In fact, you should get all those in by lunch time if you want to get to sleep on time.) Reading something boring or watching a boring movie might help you get drowsy.


Keep the lights dim or turned off to get your body ready for sleep. Try to get your sleeping environment as quiet as possible to help you relax, and provide for a more sound sleep quality. Good luck!


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