When I find a great deal on onions, I buy a large amount and make these dried and caramelized onions. It ends up being a whole lot cheaper and more tasty than buying dried onions in bottles. You can make these in the oven, in a dehydrator, or even in the sun! To make onion powder, run the finished product in a processor.
Prep Time: 2 to 4 hours
Instead of a Mandolin I use a Borner "V" cutter and make tiny cubes. Aside from being much safer, the little cubes practically disappear in gravies and sauces, just leaving the flavor behind.
I also use a lot less oil. I use an ancient Amway window cleaner sprayer from the 80's, and just give the pan a light
misting of oil and then another fast squirt onto the onions. That's enough, especially when filling my one gallon pickle jar with browned onion cubelets. I want them feeling dry, not oily.
I dump a lot of sliced onions and some butter or olive oil in crockpot and cook for a while creating carmelized onions that i freeze in zip bags
I am fascinated by this round pan with what looks like a steamer rack + whatever that other apparatus to the left is..
It is the one in the picture right above:
Cut onions into halves..."
Can you tell me what this is? Thank you.
That is a food dehydrator.