
Homemade Educational Games for Toddlers

Magnets in tin.


  • 1 baking (muffin) tin (an old one works great!)
  • *12 magnets (four each in red, yellow, and blue)
  • 1 package hook and loop tape or recloseable plastic mounting strip.( Like Velcro brand)


Attach the hook and loop to the back of the tin and hang it at kid level. Place one magnet in each cup. Help your toddler arrange them so the each colour is all together in line. Then mix them up and do it again. I find that my toddler will spend a lot of time mixing them up, then want some help to put them right. This could easily be adapted to be animals (mammals, fish, and birds) or foods (vegetables, fruits, and grains) or whatever suits your family.

If you don't happen to have a surplus of magnets lying around you can easily make your own with magnetic tape from the craft store. Simply cut to the size you need and glue to found objects. Old game pieces, buttons, small toys, etc. all work great!

By Red Molly from Seattle, WA

Editor's Note: Because magnets could be a choking hazard to the little ones, make sure that they are large enough so this is not a problem.

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February 20, 2009

Teach your kids colors by letting them choose a little bit of food coloring for their baths. With a regular box of blue, green, yellow and red, you can make a lot of colors.


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October 3, 2018

When you teach, every single item you come into contact with starts having multiple purposes. I never want to throw anything away because I might think of a craft or activity later. During my part time job at Kmart, we had to take off the hanger size markers for clearance clothing.


We were throwing out so many and I started thinking about how I could use them in the classroom.

Colorful size markers from clothing hangers that can be used as a sorting activity for children.

Crafts Crafts For Kids EducationalApril 11, 2013
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