- 2 fl oz corn syrup (maple flavor is fine)
- Popsicle sticks
- material from an old t-shirt, cut into brow size strips
- small plastic food container with lid (a Glad 4 oz. size works well)
A headband is useful to keep your hair out of the way.
- Put the syrup in a plastic container and heat 10-13 seconds in the microwave.
- Stir with a stick and test temperature on the back of your hand. If it's too hot, stir until it cools off.
- Use stick to apply to the brow area where you want the hair removed and place material there, rubbing in the direction of the hair growth
- Hold skin taut and quickly pull against the hair growth direction. Wipe area with a cool wash cloth and go to the next brow.
- Use as you would any hot wax on eye brows, lip area, leg or wherever you choose. Do not use more than twice on the same area per session to avoid soreness.
The trick to less pain is holding the skin taut! 2 oz. will last a year if you only use it on brows.
P. S. This can also be used to exfoliate your face by just evenly applying it and then wiping it off with a damp cloth. Picks up all those dead skin cells.
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April 10, 20130 found this helpful
I can't wait to try this!
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