When you do this for the first time, you will be amazed at how much of your money is being taken for giving you much less of a product! Make your own liquid soap.
Chop a bar of soap (even cheaper if you collect freebie soap from hotels, etc.) into a bowl. Add water and microwave, whisking every now and then, until melted. Keep adding hot water and whisking, and test the 'set' by spooning a bit into a saucer and leaving for an hour. The first time I did this, it took a long time as I kept thinking I had added too much water, but I ended up with loads of liquid soap from a small bar! Pour into a liquid soap bottle and there you are - great as a simple hand wash soap! You can add some olive or almond oil (shake well) for more moisturising and essential oil for fragrance.
For showering, I use unscented better quality soap; again so much cheaper than shower gel.
They are making so so much money charging more for liquid than solid soap and laughing all the way to the bank; not on my watch!
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Save those little pieces of soap that never seem to get used too!
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