By happy accident the other day, whilst saving money making my own candied citrus peel for the upcoming festive baking frenzy, I 'discovered' a fantastic new cleaning product. It is fragrant, non-abrasive, chemical free and, best of all, FREE! It cleans and degreases most surfaces very effectively, but of course test any surface you are unsure about in an unseen spot just in case!
You can easily make your own and spend less time scrubbing and more time doing the things you enjoy. All you need is the peel from 4 large oranges cut into 0.5 cm (half-inch) strips. Put into a non-reactive pan, cover with water, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove the peel, cool the liquid, strain, and bottle.
I also added a tablespoon of white vinegar as a preservative. Stored in a cool place it should keep for a couple of months so label it clearly as a cleaning product. Although it isn't poisonous, it could leave a most unpleasant taste in the mouth!
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Sounds like a great idea to make mybathtuband sink sparkle. I am going totryiy right away
I am going to try making this and see how it works. I am always on the look out for eco friendly products I can afford.
This looked great so I made it and it works really well. Nice smell too.
orange oil not good for pet
I always have lemon peels. Will try this with them
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