I made my own oil diffuser/warmer.
By Igmommy from Sweetwater, TN
That is so creative! I am very impressed!
What an incredible craft...
You are very talented.
This oil diffuser will compliment
any room it is put in.
Sorry guys, I meant to add this, if you plan to use the sponge peices, what you want to do it drop a couple of drops of fragrance oil or essential oil on the sponge peices, then you would want to put the peices directly in between the rope light after you roll it up so when you turn it on, it warms right up, however, if you do this, you will want to clean the rope light before using it again unless you are using the same scent of oil, otherwise, you get mixed scents. It really only takes about 3 or 4 drops of oils if you are using the shot glass for scent warming. a great scent is 2 drops clove essential oil, 3 drops orange essential oil....smells wonderful. A few great places to find items to make this diffuser/warmer is on freecycle, a salvage store such as Goodwill, family members, www.craigslist.com and your local convenience center.
Thanks guys for all the kind comments, I meant to add you can use this for aromatherapy as I have included a picture of Rex using ours with her favorite scent as she needed aromatherapy treatment because she wasn't feeling well... lol...