
Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

Is there a way to make home made wrinkle free spray for clothes?

Terry from Kitchener, Ontario


Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

WRINKLE REMOVER SPRAY: 1 cup distilled water, 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or cheep vodka, 1/4 cup liquid fabric softener. Put in clean spray bottle. ( 8 oz. distilled water, 4 oz. alcohol, 2 oz. liquid fabric softener) (08/25/2006)


By Cyinda

Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

MY NO IRON TRICKS: I'll do anything to not get out the old ironing board. Here's a few tricks of mine.

Wash garment, put wet garment into dryer for 5 min, take it out and hang, if hems are turning up, hold hem (or button area) between both hands where you want to flatten, then pull back and forth over inside of washer top or over the side of a flat corner surface

If clothes are dry & wrinkled: Spray with water, shake out garment, throw in dryer 5 min, and remove. No wrinkles it's & ready to wear!

CURLING IRON: To straighten hems, collars, and button areas, etc. in a hurry. As you're getting ready, take your already hot curling iron and use that to iron stubborn areas back into place.

BLOW DRYER, spray hem or area with a bit of water, then hold flat and blow dry. Works great!

In summer time. I just stand there and turn slowly as my partner sprays my clothes with a fine mist of water or febreeze and by the time I'm ready to leave the house my wrinkles are gone! Yes, febreeze gets rid of most wrinkles! (08/25/2006)


By Cyinda

Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

I use an old wrinkle releaser spray bottle, filled with tap water and a couple tablespoons of liquid fabric softener. Works just like Downy! (08/26/2006)

Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

Try this:
I have a large spray bottle.....I have one in my laundry room,one up stairs. One upstairs I use to spray carpets with. Laundry room I spray clothes as I hang they for any wrinkles.

Take spray bottle fill with water Add one full cap Downy "Simple Pleasures. Magnolia & Orange naranio I buy this Downy smell at Walmart. Works Great........ (08/26/2006)

By Sharon

Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

A small travel clothes steamer works wonders... They can usually be found at Goodwill for about a dollar. (01/23/2007)

By Greg

Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

I don't even put fabric softener in mine, I either use plain water or water with 2 or no more than 3 drops of essential oil in it. Shake well before use, mist wrinkles, smooth out, and let dry. (04/27/2007)


By Kat

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