My 3 1/2 year old female Boxer has started peeing and pooping in the house again. She's been trained for a couple of years now. Should I be concerned?
By Rochelle L.
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Yes, you should have her in to see the vet as soon as possible. I say this as an AKC Boxer breeder for over 40 years in the US prior to my permanent move to the UK in 2010.
At her age she's now reached full maturity - has she had one or more litters, or is she spayed? If yes to either or both questions, she's got a urinary tract problem common to mature female Boxers who've either been spayed, thrown one or more litters, or both. The easiest way to explain it is as a prolapse.
It's not necessarily a veterinary emergency and she's likely not in much if any pain at this point but the problem will become worse over time and she needs to be seen sooner rather than later. Over a week or two the pain will increase and so will the incontinence.
Please update - without seeing your dog and because I'm not a vet, there is every chance I'm mistaken (doubt it given her very typical symptoms, but it could happen:) so getting her seen ASAP would be the best thing.
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