
How Can I Fix Cookie Dough That is Too Gooey?

February 13, 2011

Cookie DoughI am making peanut butter cookies and the dough is too gooey. How do I fix it?

By Terri Bassalay



February 13, 20111 found this helpful
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If the dough is too stiff dust the counter with flour and set the dough on that and lightly knead as tho kneading biscuits. Lightly dust the top so your fingers don't stick.

February 16, 20110 found this helpful
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I agree with adding a little more flour but remember peanut butter cookie dough is generally a softer dough than other cookie doughs.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 103 Feedbacks
February 16, 20110 found this helpful
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Does the recipe tell you to refrigerate dough for an hour or two prior to spacing out cookies on the baking sheet? If it does, and you didn't, that would cause the dough to be "gooey" and not firm up enough.


If you followed the recipe exactly, then it could be the type of peanut butter you used. Some brands are a lot more oily than others, and if that is the case, the addition of a little more flour will help after the dough has been refrigerated at least 2 hours or overnight is even better.

You can add the additional flour by sprinkling it on the counter surface and then placing the too soft dough onto the flour and kneading it in. You want the flour to be incorporated properly.

You may also choose to sprinkle cake mix on the surface and knead that in if it's going to be a lot.
Just plain yellow cake mix will keep the amount of sugar in ratio to flour more even than just plain flour.

If the dough is sufficiently chilled, flour or cake mix (or a sifted combination of both) should work for you. Good Luck. Maybe you'll let us know if you have time. It's a good lesson for us all.



February 16, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

My mom used to add powdered milk to sticky dough, especially if it has milk in it.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
February 13, 20110 found this helpful

Add a little bit more flour.

February 19, 20110 found this helpful

My first reaction on reading this plea was also add a little flour. Have you tried to BAKE any of these cookies yet? If not, try one. Bake one test cookie to see how it comes out. Then adjust batter accordingly if need be. After making any adjustments, bake another test cookie. When you are satisfied with the result, continue baking your full sheets of cookies.


And often times, "flop" cookies come out even better tasting than what one expects them to look like! Good luck, good baking. (I think I'll wrap this up an' go bake sumpin m'self!.)

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