
How Often Can a Cat be in Heat?

February 24, 2019

My cat has been going into heat every 4-5 days since January 10th and she stays in heat between 6-8 days. This time it has already been 9 days and I am worried. I'm trying to get her spayed, but by the time I make an appointment when she comes out of heat she is back in it by the time of the appointment.


She is really worrying me. Is this normal? Can she get spayed while she is in heat?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
February 27, 20190 found this helpful
Best Answer

This is a frustrating time for you and her but all you can do is keep trying to catch her when she is not in heat.
Some vets will do the surgery when a cat is in heat but charge an extra fee.

Maybe you could make an appointment for 2 weeks ahead as soon as she goes into heat and hope that will be good.

It is not unusual for cats to stay in heat for 10 days so that is not a problem but your vet may want to make sure she is in good health so try to see them as soon as she goes through a heat cycle even if you do not have an appointment. Vets see this all the time so most are understanding even about cases like this.


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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 14, 2013

My cat is in constant heat. She's been in heat for over a month and doesn't come out. I don't know if it's a condition or it's normal. My other female cat is not in heat and has not been heat for at least two weeks. Also I had to keep the cat, in heat, in the bath room because she kept peeing on my bed. Just my bed she doesn't pee on anything else. I don't know what's wrong with her. Can anybody tell me what I should do?

By William


January 15, 20130 found this helpful

This is not normal. Take her to the vet. I would recommend having her spayed.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
January 15, 20130 found this helpful

See a vet as soon as possible. There are several conditions in unspayed cats that masquerade as long heat cycles. One of them is fatal. See your Vet right away and consider neutering your cats.

January 24, 20130 found this helpful

I had the same problem with my Siamese cat. A Siamese in heat sounds like no other meow you'll here. I brought her my vet. It is not rare for a female cat to come into heat like this and to drive their owners crazy....bad hormones.


Sorry to say, but the only way to correct it is to have her spayed. If you can catch her not in heat, the spay will be cheaper.

October 24, 20160 found this helpful

My cats first heat over ten days still in heat her meow and calls drive me nuts

October 27, 20160 found this helpful

My cat was spayed, she still continues to have heat symptoms, the cat calling sounds, the rubbing on the ground. Now the vet is trying shots says it will put her in a state like she is pregnant but so far 2 shots and nothing, I don't know what to do its $20 shot and she continues to be in heat I wish I knew someone that could figure out why a spayed cat would continue on like this, the vet says they never seen a cat act this way

November 24, 20160 found this helpful

I have a Persian cat 10 months old but she is not coming on heat. Why???

February 10, 20170 found this helpful

Your cat keeps going on heat because her ovaries were left inside of her. I know this because the same thing has happened to me. So frustrating for our fur friends

March 10, 20170 found this helpful

I just read that during January -September they can go into heat every 7-10 days. My cat usually is on for 7 days & off for 3 weeks but lately she's been in heat for 3 weeks. She's driving me crazy but evidently the only way to stop it is get her fixed.


I also have to keep mine in the bathroom cuz she's peeing on the carpet, only while in heat. Trust me, I feel your frustration!

May 27, 20170 found this helpful

Same thing happened to me. She had to be respayed a part of her ovary was left behind. Smh

July 10, 20170 found this helpful

Did you ever find out what was happening with your cat? I am in a very similar situation with mine and have no clue how she is fixed but still going into heat

February 6, 20180 found this helpful

Sometimes a cat that has heat symptoms after being spayed can still have a part of the uterus or ovary left inside of them. I would ask the vert about this possibility.


If it is the same vet who did the spay ask for a discount or for exploratory surgery to be free.

March 27, 20180 found this helpful

It means she is calling for a boy

April 2, 20180 found this helpful

What is the one fatal condition?

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March 24, 2006

I have 5 cats: 3 girls and 2 boys. One of my female cats is ALWAYS in heat and I wondered if that was normal? She will go out of heat for about a week and then right back in for a few weeks and the cycle just repeats. I think she is going into heat more frequently than she should, but wondered if anyone else had this problem?

She is 2 years old and a mixed tabby cat. The other girls seem fine with their cycle, it is just her. And to top it off when she goes into heat she sprays... do you think if she gets spayed it would help? Any info would be wonderful, she is very vocal when she is in heat and she is driving me crazy.

Thank you!
Katie from PA


March 24, 20060 found this helpful

Yes, getting her spayed will end her heat cycles. Cats go into season more frequently during the months with longer daylight hours to reproduce more litters during this time of the year. A cat that has very little time between heat cycles could also mean a more serious health problems such as uterine cancer. Spay and neuter all your pets to end the cycle of homeless pets please!!

By (Guest Post)
March 24, 20060 found this helpful

Have all the kitty cats spayed or neutered. We don't need more kitties-2 many are euthanized every day already!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
March 25, 20060 found this helpful

Why are you letting your cat go into heat? Is there some reason? Does she go outside and have the opportunity to mate and do you want her to? You didn't give many details like are you a breeder. If you are not and your cat stays inside, it really is sort of cruel to let her go in heat and not be able to do anything about it!!!! She is crying because she wants a boy kitty! We had a cat once that we didn't get spayed when we should and I mean she'd just cry....all night it seemed and also she sprayed. We took her to be spayed as soon as we realized what was happening and that we needed to do it. We had no desire to have kittens and she was an inside cat.

March 25, 20060 found this helpful

No, I am not a breeder and all of my cats are indoors at all times! They are afraid of the outside.

I also believe that animals should be fixed to prevent unwanted babies, I actually rescued 2 of mine from the wild because there are so many feral cats running around up there it is sickening!

I was just curious if spaying would resolve the problem, and thank you very much for the responses...but I wouldn't say I am cruel because of it...But thank you again for responding!

Thank you!

By ROSA (Guest Post)
March 25, 20060 found this helpful

Get you females BOTH spayed a s a p ! will make them more loveable, and cut down on " female " type cancer , also get the male neutered too will keep them from spraying all over the house !

By Tortie (Guest Post)
March 26, 20060 found this helpful

Hi! I also highly recommend getting your girl spayed. Within the past two months we discovered yet another "discarded" female kitty hiding on our back porch. After getting her checked out at the vet's where she was okay'ed to join our household we then proceeded to wait out the two weeks until her spaying operation. Of course, she came into season during that time and did spray a couple of times on our one door frame, which I found out is a common occurance for an queen in heat, however that stopped immediately after she returned home from her operation. She is now one of the nicest and sweetest cats I have ever known! So please do have your kitty spayed as soon as possible, including any other cats that have not yet been done. The rewards of a peaceful pet household with less stress all around for both humans and pets will be well worth the cost, believe me. Best of luck to you!

By Grandma Margie (Guest Post)
March 27, 20062 found this helpful

Katie, I must commend you on your courteous response to someone who was so rude and critical of your post. Some posters on this site apparently feel entitled to attack and criticize those they disagree with. I can understand someone who might say "I choose to handle that situation this way".......but when someone is demanding "Why did you do it that way" or implies that you are cruel........well, I personally think they are out of line. I throughly enjoy reading Thrifty Fun daily and I'm a little disheartened when folks forget their manners. And as Forrest Gump would say "that's all I'm gonna say about that"!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
September 1, 20060 found this helpful

Hello, this is Debbie 52....I do apologize to Katie for my post. After I read what Grandma Margie wrote I realize that it was not too nice of me; however I was just giving an honest opinion but did come across as awful judgemental and preachy. I really am not that kind of person and if you were to read my many other posts, I think you'd see that I'm actually a very nice person! It has made me feel very bad to have come back to this thread and seen what someone said about me. Also, I don't think I was forgetting my manners but just really taking the side of that poor cat in heat!

By (Guest Post)
January 12, 20090 found this helpful

If she gets spayed, she shouldn't go into heat at all. I haven't had my cat spayed yet and I've had her for a year. I just figure why spend the money if she isn't going outside. Mine doesn't spray however and she only goes into heat once every few months. She is extremely annoying when it happens though. I think I may get her spayed.

January 31, 20170 found this helpful

I was researching cats in heat and the symptoms and one of them was that cats will spray when in heat. They will also make sounds that sound like human words and if you repeat them after them they will keep you talking all night. Is the time between heats different in certain cats? I also gave mine "catnip". Put it on her scratching pad and a tiny bit in her food and she calmed down a lot. Worth a try.

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March 16, 2021

I have two female cats, both a little over 2 years old. The one is perfectly fine, but the other one goes into heat all the time. She stays in heat for a long time, she's extremely vocal to the point where I can't sleep. She also pees places when she's in heat and it seems to be one specific spot.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it too but she's very skinny and doesnt gain weight, but like I said, the other one is perfectly fine and has a normal weight, cycle, and goes to the litter box. What could be wrong with the other cat?

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August 19, 2018

My cat is about 1 year old and hasn't been in heat since the end of June. She's been in heat plenty of times before and there's no way she could be pregnant as she's never been outside.

Should I be worried? She acts completely normal. I'm so worried about her.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 20, 20180 found this helpful

Cats go into heat seasonally. They may go into heat several times during the season


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
August 20, 20180 found this helpful

cat estrus cycle is pretty definitive once a season, but oftentimes it is more than that. But if she's going into heat at least 4 times a year it's probably not a concern.

As she ages her cycle will change and regulate, also I presume the presence of opportunities to mate (IE tomcats hanging around) might create in her the need to go into estrus more than if she's by herself and no other cats around

of course if you 're concerned you can always take her to a vet


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 20, 20180 found this helpful

To be safe, call the vet and see if you can get her seen. We can guess till the kitties come home, but the experts can tell you what is going on. If she gets a clean bill of health you will have piece of mind. It's not too late to spay. There are plenty of low cost options in most towns. That way there would be no worries! Prayers for your fluffy girl. Let me know what the vet says!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 22, 20180 found this helpful

If you do not plan to mate your cat it would be a lot better for you and for her to have her spayed. Going through this process should make you and her feel better.

Here is a site that explains about cats going into heat but better to talk to her vet.

Here is a link about spaying:

Also, you do not mention about taking her to a vet for her shots/vaccines and this is very important - not too late to start.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
August 22, 20180 found this helpful

Spaying your girl can save her from many illnesses later that are caused by coming into heat on a regular basis. Mammary cancer is one of them. Cats that are spayed have a much lower incidence.

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July 12, 2018

My cat is not coming into heat. I brought a female for breeding. It has been two months and she is not in heat.

Can any one answer?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 13, 20180 found this helpful

Animals only come into heat if they have a certain percentage of body fat. Is your cat thin?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 13, 20180 found this helpful

My suggestion is to talk to your vet ASAP to rule out a health issue or to determine if she is already pregnant (yes, stranger things have happened with cats). Let us know what you find!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
July 13, 20180 found this helpful

Your cat may be too young. Some cats do not start to go into heat until they are 10 to 12 months old. To go into heat a cat needs at least 12 hours of daylight every day. This all guarantees a cat does not end up with kittens in the middle of winter with nothing to feed them.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
August 24, 20180 found this helpful

not knowing context it's hard to say why this would happen. My first instinct is she's too young, but also some cats only go into season like 4 times a year so to my view she's still on schedule

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August 31, 2017

This the first time that I have ever had a cat. Is it normal for cats to be in heat constantly in summer; because she been having it a lot this month.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 31, 20170 found this helpful

Cats go into heat quite often. They go into heat seasonally, and can go into heat several times in a season. It can last 1 day or a week. They are then out of heat for a week or two, and then it starts again.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
August 31, 20170 found this helpful

Non-spayed female cats will go into "heat" seasonally in the spring and fall and may go into heat several times during the season. The first heat cycle usually occurs by age 6-12 months; for some cats as early as four months of age, for others not until age 12 months or so.Cats are considered to be seasonal breeders; most often showing signs of mating behavior in the spring and fall.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
August 31, 20170 found this helpful

Each heat usually lasts several days, but it can be as short as one day... as long as a week. She will then be out of heat for one to two weeks, leading to a heat cycle of about one to three weeks, depending on how long they were in heat.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 2, 20170 found this helpful

Yes, this is very normal with female cats. They can go into heat quite frequently during this time of year. Each time the cat is in heat it can be for a different period of time. Normal heats in a cat are from 1 to 7 days. If you don't want a ton of babies, I would take her to the vet and have her fixed. It is the perfect time before she has babies.

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March 7, 2014

My non spayed cat acts like it's in heat all the time. It constantly chatters, makes moaning sounds, and loud yells. It walks prowling with her ass in air. lol It's driving us crazy; it's not in heat.

By Darrel


March 10, 20140 found this helpful

She is definately in heat. We had a calico cat that did this and when we took her to the vet he stated there are some female cats who will continually be in heat until they are bred. We let her have a litter of kittens then she cycled as other cats.

March 10, 20140 found this helpful

Cats do go in heat all the time if they are not spayed. Really, like every 7 days all. year. round. Do yourself a favor, and have her spayed. Your nerves will thank you. I've been there, and I totally get how maddening it is.

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August 4, 2013

How often can a cat be in season? I took my cat in as a stray not knowing at the time that she was pregnant. 5 weeks later she had 7 beautiful kittens. The kittens are now almost 11 weeks old and I have kept mum in for the whole of this time just waiting for the kittens to wean so I can get her spayed. She is going stir crazy being cooped up indoors. Anyhow, I took her to the vet 2 weeks ago to be spayed, but she was in heat so they booked me another appointment for tomorrow.

However, I think she is on heat again as she is sticking her rear end in the air and is affectionate one moment and very spiteful the next. I feel so sorry for her because if she is in season again, the vet will not spay her tomorrow.

My question is this. Is it normal for a female cat to have one season after another? and is it in fact possible to spay her while she is like this? The vet explained to me they won't do it as the womb is too soft to do the operation. Poor girl is going nuts and I just want what's best for her. Thank you for any help you can give me.

By shelliewellie


August 6, 20130 found this helpful

Cats go into heat every few days if they are not spayed. So frustrating! They can be spayed during a heat cycle, it is just more dangerous as the blood volume is higher during this time. If your vet won't do it, I'd find one who will. Explain the situation, and tell the vet you really need her spayed for your peace of mind. Most likely he will do the surgery. Good luck.

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