
How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I have this blue jay that sits by a window of my house and pecks at it. Sometimes it starts pecking around five in the morning. It's always waking me up and it continues to peck throughout the day. I use to have mourning doves that had nests by my front door that have been scared off along with sparrows and other birds because of the blue Jay.


Now there are at least three birds taking up a home around my house. Someone help me get rid of these birds.

Andrew of San Diego


How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

They are probably seeing and pecking at their reflection in the window. I am just not sure how to eliminate that. Perhaps if you hung a picture of a predator of some kind (a cat, for instance) facing the outside, it would keep them at bay.

By Harlean

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I had a red bird that beat itself repeatedly against some of my windows. I went to Walmart (you might also try the dollar store) and bought some rubber snakes. It worked well, then the redbird moved to another window. For awhile, I had snakes at about 8 windows at my house, but it kept him away and now he is gone for good. I also have used the the snakes to keep crows away from my dog's food. If you want to get fancier, you can go to Lowes or Home Depot and purchase an owl. (06/19/2005)


By Barbara

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

You can do what I do. Get peanuts (Costco/Sams Club) and sunflower seeds. Set up a feeding station away from your bedroom windows. If you don't want them around at all, leave a few peanuts out on the ground leading farther away from your house each day. Pretty soon they will forget your place and move on. (06/20/2005)

By Vi Johnson

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

Apparently if you use old CDs hung on fishing line, the bright reflection will help scare off birds. Try either that, or some other item that will sparkle in the sun. The more it moves in the wind, the better! (06/26/2005)

By Cathy

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I agree about the reflection; he probably thinks it's another bird and is "fighting" over his territory. You can find something to put over the window on the inside or the outside so that he can't see his reflection. A bunch of blue jays let me know there was a snake in my oak tree yesterday! They chased him away. (07/07/2005)


By guest

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I printed pictures of cats from the internet and hung them in my window. Blue jay gone!

Thank you. (04/14/2006)

By Isaac

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I read as a last resort to get an owl. So we hung up a lightweight, full-size, plastic owl from the lower branch of our willow tree. The jays were hanging out there and attacking my cats. Within 3 days the blue jays were gone. They don't like owls, not even plastic ones. My cats are safe again. (06/22/2007)

By Sheila D

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I started feeding the blue jays peanuts a year ago and have not had a problem. They eat with the squirrels and other birds without any problems. Guess I'm lucky! (01/26/2008)

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

Use the same people that I used to get rid of my crow problem. Their name is Crow be Gone or do a google search "get rid of crows". They're the best. (06/21/2008)


By Jill

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

Eventually the bluejays will not be loud once they are established in your yard, You want bluejays at your feeders because they will chase off hawks that prey on your songbirds. Bluejays as well as all other songbirds do not start chirping at 5:00 in the morning, this is misleading information which makes me to question your credibility on this post. You hear wildbirds at 6:30am in the summer and until around 7:30-8:00 in the evening. During winter, around 7:30 am and until 5:30pm. I have been a avid birdfeeder for almost 2 years now. I document the time changes that occurs.

Bluejays will mob owls and hawks during the day, wildbirds have specific times they eat during the day, don't worry, the songbirds will eat with the protection of bluejays watching for predators. Bluejays have sentries (lookouts). I don't have a problem with bluejays either, they all forage with the squirrels and other songbirds as well as with the crows. The bluejays do good for the other birds at feeders.


Some of you need to seriously do extensive research before you post about something that you know nothing about instead of posting misleading information. Bluejays do not go around killing songbirds on a daily basis. Yes, they may occasionally eat a egg or two that has fallen from a nest or even a fledgling, but so will snakes, opossums, skunks, flying squirrels, and crows. This is how God created it to be to keep populations of wildlife in control. This only occurs during nesting season, during winter season they forage together.

As far as your cat goes, you need to be more concerned about allowing your domesticated cat to roam free unsupervised. The domesticated cat is not a natural predator to wildlife. Cats kill hundreds of millions of songbirds yearly, as well as billions of rodents yearly. Do yourself a favor, as well as, your cat and be a responsible cat owner, keep your cat in the house.


Do your research. Domesticated cats kill for sport, play with the birds they catch or rodents, and leave it to die, taking food from the natural predator's mouth which is the owls' and hawks' food that they need to survive.

Songbirds, including bluejays, are protected by law. You have no business whatsoever shooting at birds; it is against the law. You need to research before you put feeders up, I would suggest changing birdseed, certain birds only eat certain type of birdseed. This will take care of the bluejays. If you don't want them at your feeders, change to a different seed as well as buy feeders that are made only for small birds. (04/07/2010)

By wen

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

I don't believe in shooting birds that's sick. Then if your using bullets hopefully they don't hit someone on their way back down.
I found a way to get rid of all the blue jays that were attacking my song birds. Those jays are mean birds. I got a CD from a site called Crow be Gone. Not because I had a crow problem, oh no, it was a blue jay problem I had. They had been so successful with Crow be Gone they made a CD called BlueJay be Gone and it worked like a charm. I haven't had a blue jay drop by in 2 months time now. Now don't get me wrong jays are a very pretty bird yet they seem to be the bad boys on the block and they had to go. I love my song birds and they are at peace now with the jays gone. I hope this information will help someone who is having issues with blue jays.

Larry (07/30/2010)

By larry

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

Look when you make the decision to bird feed, you will attract all different types of wild life. If some of you would actually observe the blue jays your negative views about them would be different. Do you not know that the bluejays establish pecking orders like all other wildlife, that does not mean smaller birds are bullied, they are
able to eat at the feeders as well. Once blue jays establish territory, they share equal time at the feeders. The birds work it out as far as the times they eat at the feeders, they take turns. Songbirds benefit from having blue jays at your feeders. Bluejays are just as good as a watch dog whenever any predators are around, they let all the other wildlife know. It shows a lot about a person's character when you feed small songbirds then you are negative and sometimes cruel to the other wildlife you draw in such as squirrels and blue jays. (01/25/2011)

By wen

How do I get rid of Blue Jays?

Can you afford bird netting? It is against the law to shoot a blue jay which is protected by law. (01/25/2011)

By wen

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September 30, 20160 found this helpful

Six steller Jaye's killed and ate two of my chickens. As I helplessly watched from my window as these Jay's worked as a pack.Two larger steller Jay's which I believe to be male's I am not sure if male or female just know there size was different. The two distracted one of my hen's and the rest of the jay's moved in, Working as a pack. Before my eyes two birds of mine were dead.I couldn't believe my chickens we're dead by a pack of flying demons.As I retrieved my dead birds. I examined there cause of death. thay killed them by packing at there skulls untell they're death. thay consumed the heart's, lungs,and liver and the Brest meat.These bird's are intelligent and a ruthless killers Some say thay eat abandoned eggs from the other birds nests I can say that these jay's around my home area will kill anything if thay put there minds to it. I once enjoyed there blue beauty,now thay are worst enemy's WHAT CAN I DO to make them go away?

March 10, 20170 found this helpful

i live in the city of salem, OR and i have heard bluejays sometimes around 5 or 6 in the morning. I had to go to my window and yell " shut up!" or " be quiet!" so, either something shiny or a fake animal in the trees or on land?

May 2, 20170 found this helpful

I like having all the wild birds around. I've been feeding them for about 3 years now and have all different kinds. Love watching and listening to them it's just so peaceful!! God created them for a reason and I love their beauty. You seem to know a lot about birds. I've had no problem with them not getting along. The blue jays , doves, and all the rest seem to do great together. I have noticed that the blue jays come in a little later in the season than others though.

May 17, 20180 found this helpful

My deck used to be a quiet oasis of plants, but now the bluejays have destroyed planters and plants. They actually throw dirt/plants out onto the deck.

May 24, 20180 found this helpful

Bluejays attack and kill nesting barn swallows, their eggs, and their babies. I do not put birdseed out. They come to kill. I have seen them do it. Having dogs was a big help for years, but my dogs are gone now. I have a,curtain of irridiscent ribbon shielding but not confining the nest. I have spread wolf urine. I have a fake owl. I'm going to try the WD40. the only thing that really works is for me to be present, especially with the big shovel. One batch of babies has already been destroyed this season.

June 10, 20180 found this helpful

Thanks for letting me know that the bluejays go after other predators, such as hawks and owls. My problem with bluejays is that they raid nests. I have watched them do this. Very few baby birds are born in my yard with the bluejays around. I will work on protecting the nesting boxes. You can't control Nature, even in your backyard!

November 12, 20180 found this helpful

I have a blue Jay pecking at my new wood shed. Tried a few different things but nothing worked. I plugged the hole with steel wool. We'll see what happens.

May 17, 20190 found this helpful

I came here looking for a solution to the Jay bird problem. I have feeders UNDER our very large Magnolia. And I don't mind all birds showing up. We get sparrows, finches, doves, crows and... recently... the dreaded Jays. I knew Jays could be mean but recently I have recovered from a terminal illness and am just well enough to begin recovering my yard (I had to neglect it for years while trying to get well). Now, when I work out in the yard, the Jays dive bomb ME and have even made me bleed on my arms, back and hips. They attack when I am bent over weeding. It's serious enough that one scratch they left is infected. So, this is a real pain. I don't believe in killing the birds and I won't. That would never happen. But, I am eager to find something to keep them from attacking me. In one 20-minute weed pulling session today they physically attacked me (with contact) six times and made many more non-contact attacks. This is getting serious.

June 9, 20190 found this helpful

The scrub Jay's squawk at 5:30 am I watched them kill baby doves on my porch so don't tell people your " facts".

July 9, 20200 found this helpful

Well, I read a lot of comments about blue jays being social. They took three small baby birds from the nest. One by one in less than 3 hours!! That happened with 3 nests I had in my yard. And yes, I had a camera facing the nest and I have the video of the F.. blu Jay gracing the babies by the beak.

August 12, 20200 found this helpful

I agree about Blue Jays not being a problem! They scare away the hawks in my yard and they share the bird feeder with other birds. Theyve all been living together in the summers for 26 years!!


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