
How to Make Cross Silhouettes

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 131 Posts

How to Make Cross Silhouettes - finished  poster paint crossIn Christianity, one of the first things you learn in Sunday School is about how Jesus died on the cross for your sins. There are numerous crafts and activities children tend to do in church revolving around the cross. A silhouette cross is very simple and fun to make for any age, including adults! The end result is always different, and always beautiful! For this post, I created a silhouette from four different mediums, including paint, chalk, crayons, and bingo markers.


Total Time: 30 to 45 minutes to create and a couple hours to dry

Yield: 4

Source: I saw a painted cross silhouette on Pinterest. Then I tried a few other mediums.


How to Make Cross Silhouettes


  1. For every cross, cut two pieces out of the painter's tape, making one approximately half the size of the other. Place the longest piece vertically, in the center of the paper. Add the shorter piece horizontally across the first, making a cross. I measured how long I needed to make each piece by stretching the tape from the roll across the page. Then I held my place on the tape a cut it. Since it's painter's tape, you can pull it up, trim, and reposition as needed.
  2. How to Make Cross Silhouettes - measure, cut, and place tape on white paper

  3. Finger paint around the cross. You can choose to paint the entire page one color or more. I started with one color and placed it sporadically around the page. Then I repeated the process with a few more colors. Lastly, I swirled my index finger all over the page, mixing colors together.
  4. How to Make Cross Silhouettes - paint the page with poster paint using as many colors as desired
  5. After you have finished painting, remove the tape and allow to dry. After the paper dries, the ends roll inward a little. You can lay it under a heavy book to flatten it. Other options are to laminate or frame the cross. You can see my final, laminated version in the main photo.
  6. How to Make Cross Silhouettes - remove tape and allow paint to dry, it can be framed or laminated

  7. Here is the chalk cross silhouette. I used black construction paper and white chalk. I'm sure colored chalk would be just as beautiful. Once you make this craft, you need to either laminate it or spray over the page with hairspray. Either will keep the chalk from smearing.
  8. How to Make Cross Silhouettes - chalk version using black paper and white chalk
    How to Make Cross Silhouettes - remove tape and spray with hairspray to fix or laminate
  9. The crayon cross took the longest to complete, maybe because coloring hurts my fingers. I tried to create a stained glass look with my coloring pattern. This is just one of the many ways you could color around the cross.
  10. How to Make Cross Silhouettes - crayon version with tape still in place
    How to Make Cross Silhouettes - tape removed from crayon version made to look like stained glass

  11. Lastly, here is my Bingo marker example. I chose to create three crosses in this one to stand for Calvary. I first went around each cross with one color and let that dry. I skipped a space between each dot. Then I added a second color, filling in the empty spaces. I made the largest cross the same color. I wanted to see the difference. You can use any colors of course! After you Bingo dot around, you can blot any heavy puddles with a paper towel so they won't run. Use the markers to dot around rest of the paper before removing the tape. I chose blue to represent the sky, yellow for stars, and green for the grass.
  12. How to Make Cross Silhouettes - three crosses of tape on white paper
    How to Make Cross Silhouettes
    How to Make Cross Silhouettes - making dots with Bingo markers
    How to Make Cross Silhouettes - finished Bingo marker triple cross project

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January 22, 20171 found this helpful

Very wonderful! These all turned out very pretty. I never would have thought to use bingo markers....Great idea, I am going to buy some and add them to my craft basket. You have inspired me !


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 131 Posts
March 7, 20170 found this helpful

Sorry it has taken so long to reply! My computer is down and it's harder to do everything on my phone! Anyway, thank you! I enjoyed making these.


I thought about purchasing canvas boards to paint the crosses on and give them as gifts. If you make these, id love to see how they turn out!


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