When you needed that mobile phone stand so badly and all you find is paper all over the working place, get a pair of scissors and some glue to make an instant phone stand.
- any kind of paper you can find. An old newspaper or magazine pages will do.
- scissors
- glue

- Cut paper into little squares. I used colored cartolina because it's easier to stick them together and it's more stiff when it dries.

- Roll them to make thin paper sticks and secure with glue.

- Stick them altogether.

- Make 10-15 rows of paper sticks. Set aside and allow to dry.

- Roll 8 to 10 more paper sticks. This time make it look like a boat. See photo.

- Stick the curved sticks onto the straight ones like this.

- Roll another 4 sticks and cut in half.

- Stick first 2 halves on the ends of the bottom of the stand.

- Then the second two halves to support the back of the stand.

- Let it dry completely and then it will be ready for use.

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