Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
This is a cute and fun way for your child to play with puppets, theater, dolls, make believe, animals, tell stories, etc. Besides making your own characters on cardboard, you can also find pets, or animals/dolls in magazines and attach to craft sticks too!
Total Time: 1-2 hours + drying time
- shoe box lid
- paint
- paintbrush
- kabob stick
- hot glue
- craft sticks
- ribbon
- tape
- bottle cap
- wiggly eyes
- X-acto Knife
- scissors
- Using a shoe box lid, figure out how small/large you want your theater screen to be. Draw your screen out and then cut out with an X-acto knife.
- Paint your box with your desired color. I used black acrylic paint and allowed it to dry.
- In the meantime, you can ask your child what objects or animals they want. Mine wanted some fishes so I freehand drew some on the left over cardboard. Then painted in the colors they wanted (green, orange, blue, and pink).
- Once the lid is dried, I taped together 2 kabob sticks.
- I poked a hole with the sticks in the lid so I can hang the ribbon (as the back drop/curtains).

- I used leftover complimentary Bath & Body Works ribbon I had on hand as the curtains. I placed tape on the end of the ribbon, over the stick and taped on the ribbon so the curtains can slide.
- Optional: If you have more ribbon - you can make them longer and tie if needed.

- Once fish are dried, hot glue on wiggly eyes and then glue the fish to craft sticks.
- Lastly as a safety precaution, cut down kabob sticks and cover with hot glue or I used bottle cap so it is not sharp.
- Ready to play.

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts July 12, 20180 found this helpful
That is so cute! My nieces and nephews would love this :)
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