Hi! I just wondered if there's an easy fix for this problem. I've thrown away countless spray cans, usually because they don't spray.
Try poking a very small diameter needle or pin into the hole of the spray tip. Or you can also pull the tip off the can and soak it in hot water and dish soap for a while. Remember to really shake those spray cans to distribute the propellant with the product, or you will wind up with cans that have lots of liquid and no "oomph or psssss" left to spray out the liquid !!!
I take off the plastic aerosol part and run it under water. I also take a pin and clean out the hole it sprays from. This works very often.
This is a page about unclogging a hair spray nozzle. Hair spray nozzles can easily get clogged. Then they will either splatter in stead f mist or not spray at all.
Occasionally the spray nozzle on your perfume bottle gets clogged or simply stuck. This is a page about repairing a perfume spray nozzle.