Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts January 2, 20180 found this helpful
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I can't provide for all 25 days, but I can give a few suggestions:
Step 1
Tickets to a cricket game.
Step 2
A chicken dinner.
Step 3
A chocolate fondue dessert.
Step 4
A piece of chocolate shaped like a chicken.
Step 5
Doing the chicken dance with him.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts January 2, 20180 found this helpful
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Day 1 - a dozen chicken eggs
Day 2 - A stuffed chicken holding a chocolate chicken
Day 3 - A KFC gift certificate
Day 4 - Chicken sandwiches for dinner
Day 5 - A box of See's candy
Day 6 - A bag of chicken flavored chips and a bottle of hot sauce to dip them in.
Day 7 - A homemade card expressing how you feel about your friendship. Tape a chocolate sucker inside from See's.
Day 8 - A bucket of hot and spicy chicken wings
Day 9 - Invite over for dinner and create something different. Maybe pizza, or something else. At the table have a you can use one of the stands like they use in restaurants and place a funny card there for him to find and read. Do the countdown on this and let him know he only has 15 more days to go.
Day 10 - buy him a case of chicken legs
Day 11 - Do something completely off and something he has never done before. Like maybe seeing a movie that is not something he would normally see.
Day 12 - half way there now it is time to change around a bit - ask him out to a bar for listening to a band or something
Day 13 - Take him out ice skating
Day 14 - Now make him chicken fried steak for dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy.
Day 15 - get him a cricket ball and mark his name on it
Day 16 - if you can find a chicken belt buckle, get him this
Day 18 - try giving him a book on raising chickens
Day 19 - try and find a chicken bobbing doll for him to put on his desk
Day 20 - give him a roasted chicken for dinner
Day 21 - now go with chocolates and give him a giant candy bar
Day 22 - see if you can find some chicken egg chocolates for him that have a cream filling
Day 23 - A card counting down 2 more days until the big 25
Day 24 - surprise him with a night out to dinner and tell him you've already taken care of the order - Go to McDonalds and order chicken sandwiches for him to eat.
Day 25 - now this one is up to you to decide what you want to give him for a gift or do this day.