
Ideas for Playing Crossword for the Visually Impaired?

I live in a retirement community and we have a lady who comes to play games with us! Several of our members cannot see well enough to do crossword and we were wondering if you could suggest a method for us to do that? Also, we do play a "guessing" type game, where the leader gives the first 2 letters and then the definition of a word.


We are trying to find a way for all of us to do crossword because it is a favorite. We also do Wheel of Fortune and words w/o vowels and try to guess the word from the consonants. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you for considering us.

Lucille H and Ruth K

By Lu H

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June 17, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Take the crossword to a copy center and have it enlarged; or (alternately), scan it into your computer and print it out larger--though you may have to piece it together. If you want to do it as a group, see if you can get a hold of an overhead projector, and copy the crossword puzzle onto a transparency slide (many home printers can do this, or you can do it at a copy center.


This might cost a wee bit more, but the puzzled can be reused!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
June 17, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have a suggestion for a game. Make some cards with letters on them (one per card) You deal them out, first consonants and then vowels. Each person gets 4 consonants and two vowels. They have a sheet of paper and a pen. When you flip an egg timer and say go they look at the cards(letters) they have and write down as many words as they can using those letters before the egg timer runs out. You play best three out of five so people who get hard cards have a chance to do better with other cards.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
June 23, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Thanks for thinking of us blind folks when working on crosswords! I'm nearly totally blind, but have always loved word games. Here's my suggestion: Read the crossword clue aloud, give the number of letters in the answer, and if appropriate, recite blanks and filled-in letters.


My younger daughter and I have solved a few crossword clues over the phone that way. If it's group participation, perhaps you could keep track of who solves the most clues and give a small prize.

June 20, 20110 found this helpful

They make large print cross word puzzle books for old folks with bad eyes. If they aren't large enough your local print shop can maybe give you a good deal and make them bigger.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
June 23, 20110 found this helpful

Oopers, I forgot to point out: no amount of enlargement would help me!


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