Its leaves are unnaturally curly because it is was a plant on the discount rack of a big box store. It came with no tag and there was no other plant like it there to see if another plant like it had a plant tag with name/care.
The center rosette is interesting shape though, starlike and reddish. The leaves are smooth and fleshy-like.
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I think this is an Aglaonema plant
Aglaonema Butterfly Manis Plant
Thanks for your input. However, I have a variety of Aglaonemas, including the the one you mention, but the untagged plant looks nothing like any of the Aglaonemas, which grow upright stems. This unlabeled plant grows in a prostrate habit.
Also the nearest extension for me is in another state, nothing close.
You might take your plant to a local extension office:
You could also try using a plant identification app:
I do not have an answer, but if the leaves are not usually curled like this, it might be better to wait until they unfold and take another picture.
This is also a good site for getting information about any plant.
This is a Venus fly trap a very large one very healthy
Unusual plant.
Thanks for sharing.
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