
Identifying Farm Equipment?

A piece of farm equipment made out of metal.I found this in a family barn in West Virginia. Can you please identify it for me and direct me how to date it?


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Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
April 18, 20211 found this helpful
Best Answer

Actually this is called Vintage Sickle Bar Mower Rock Guard. The knife blades rivet to a bar and travel back and forth between the guards to cut hay. You can see the name of vintage mower parts here:
The guards divide the material being cut and protect the cutting units of the cutter bar.
If a person runs through a gopher mound or a mouse or bird nest and it hangs on the guard, then the person got to back up, lift the bar, get off and clean it off, get on lower it down ahead of his cut unless the person has a power takeoff on a tractor, horse pulled the sections were driven by the wheel, so to keep if from plugging he had to have them going real good before the person hit the hay he wants to cut.


You can see different types of vintage sickle bar mower guard here:

It was a little difficult to identify your Sickle Bar Mower Guard. You have Vintage John Deere JD Z463 H Single Point Rock Guard for a Sickle Bar Mower.
The price is about $11


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 320 Answers
April 17, 20210 found this helpful

My guess it that this is a bale stake that could be used to lash tobacco (thus the hole, for rope or wire) in the early 1900's. Purely a guess.


I'm interested in what experts might say! You might try the WV Farm Museum; their facebook page is

April 17, 20210 found this helpful

They are the stationary teeth to a sickle bar. You can purchase them at any larger farm store.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 17, 20210 found this helpful

Thanks xyz as I could not remember what it was called.
Stationary teeth to a sickle bar

Here are some examples but I'm not sure of the age as the same type was used for quite a number of years.



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