These were in my steamer trunk! What are they?I have no idea what these could have been used for! If anyone can help out that would be awesome! Thank you in advance!!
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The wire hooks appear to be able to close inwardly and aid in locking something in place. I've checked a lot of steamer trunks and none has these pieces showing on the interior/exterior. Perhaps if the trunk has drawers or place to hang something to, this "could" be a part to an additional accessory.
Actually, where it was found may have no bearing on what type of gadget it happens to be.
I cannot tell if the is all metal or has a fabric covering, but you can post your question on Reddit and receive a reply in a few hours.
Best to explain what material it is made of as well as the size.
Do you have one or two gadgets?
Thank you! I have 2 I'm under the impression they are to hold a hat! However still not sure how the metal part is used!
When I first saw this I thought it was part of the clasp that is part of the clip/hook system used as fasteners for overalls. Then I noticed that the size and shape were wrong. Would be interesting to know what it's identity is.
I'm sorry I didn't think to add more details! These are aprox 4-5 ins across and fabric filed with some sort of horse hair or straw like filler (like for a hat to sit on??) The metal is attached to a piece of round wood.
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