
Identifying a Bathroom Bug?

Identifying a Bathroom Bug - tiny black bug on the floorCan anyone help me identify this bug? I only see them in the bathroom on the floor. I have lived in this apartment for the last 20 years and this is the very first time I have seen a bug. I will call an exterminator, but I wanted to try a DIY solution first.


Please help.

Identifying a Bathroom Bug
Identifying a Bathroom Bug

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 21, 20181 found this helpful

Hard to tell from photo....but I know from experience there are two main types of bathroom PA where I am from and that is 1000 leggers and silverfish. I don't see enough legs on yours, so I am thinking it is a silver fish...see if yours matches the photo here:

The best non chemical way to be rid of them is get a dehumidifier (they love moist areas) and rid the house of extra cardboard and newspapers, paper in general as this is one of their favorite food sources. Once their favorite living and eating sources are gone, they usually vamoose!


If you have a really bad case, you may need to go a chemical route (any garden/hardware store can tell you what is permitted in your area). Be very careful with any chemicals as they can be dangerous to you, small children and pets.

I take mine outside and far from the house...usually I only get a few in the spring and a few in the fall...but if you see more than that, you may need to take more drastic actions.

Wishing you an easy solution!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 21, 20181 found this helpful

If you rent, you should have the landlord take care of it. I do think it is in the beetle family.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 21, 20181 found this helpful

I also think it is probably silverfish as these are one of the most common bugs that love moisture.

  • Since you live in an apartment they probably did not come in from outdoors but may have been brought in in a cardboard box or any paper product.
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  • The love the glue in books so if you have books around you should check some of them for damage.
  • Silverfish are nocturnal bugs so if you see them in the daytime there may be more that you do not see.
  • Here is information from a exterminator website:
  • "Silverfish are known for their destructive feeding habits, oftentimes ruining papers, clothing and wallpaper. Silverfish feed on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. Cellulose, shampoos, glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources."
  • For DIY you can sprinkle 20 Mule Team Borax or diatomaceous earth (food grade only) in the spots you've seen silverfish, which will kill them (but not overnight).
  • There are several solutions offered on this site:
  • If you do not think it is silverfish then maybe try placing 2 or 3 bugs in a zip lock baggie and take it to one of the better hardware stores (Ace or True Value) and ask them what to use.
August 21, 20180 found this helpful

Do these pictures help? Thank you so much for the information. I'm going to find borox AND take my bugs to the hardware store tomorrow.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 21, 20181 found this helpful

The new photos are much better. Not a least not the kind we get in Pittsburgh. Ours have longer antennas and tails. It is probably a beetle of some sort. They come inside a lot this time of year for warmth and food.


Let me know what the hardware store says. They will want to sell you chemicals. I know many safe, natural solutions, once you know exactly what it is!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 22, 20181 found this helpful

Looks like some sort of beetle but I cannot find a picture of what kind so I hope the hardware store can help you identify it.

They will recommend a product of some kind and although most of us wish to stay away from these kind of chemicals sometimes just a little is all you need to eliminate the problem bugs.
If you decide to use a store product you may not need the borax but it is still good to keep around the house and sprinkle around the baseboards and in the bathroom cabinets (or kitchen).


It is also good to use for other things:

If you are not satisfied with the information anyone has supplied you can send this excellent photo to your local extension office for ID as they will be very familiar with the type of bugs in your area.
Find your office here:

I know how you feel about having these bugs in your home but finding out their ID is good because then you can find out how they may have gotten into your apartment and eliminate the source as well as killing the ones already there.

Keep us posted as your answers may help someone else who may read this posting in the future.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
August 22, 20181 found this helpful

Hard to tell from you photo, but I think it is just a harmless beetle, it will not bite humans, what it does like is paper and cardboard, and it likes moisture. I would go to a hard ware store and check out the listing on spray cans to get rid of bugs, I think you will find some thing to spray the area and get rid of the bugs.


Good luck !!


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