I recently came across this porcelain doll, but am unaware of who made it.
All I have is a company called "Lido Company", but I could find nothing about it nor completely confirm if that is truly the correct company. I am not able to check the dolls' body as I currently am unable to access it. Could someone help identify this doll?
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Lido was a company that apparently made and sold "cheap" toys to companies all over the world but especially to the US.
If anyone is interested in the company history they read a little about it here:
I see. Thank you for all that information. I found it very helpful.
If you can answer this, how much do you think she would be worth these days?
I know of someone who brought her around 25 years ago and she said she apparently payed quit a bit for her.
Was LIDO worth a lot in the past? Or could she have just been scammed?
Thanks again.
I wish I could tell you she is worth decent money but sadly she is not.
The listing for the same doll on eBay is asking for $4.99 and she may not even sell for that.
It is sad to hear of stories like that but it did happen a lot and particularly with dolls, especially in the 70-90's. So many dolls were made and people were led to be believe they would be valuable one day and that did not happen and for the most part, never will.
You might want to just display this as something from the past as selling it would probably be a waste of time considering the current value.
Ah. I am very grateful of you helping me and explaining everything.
It is sad when people are tricked to pay more than it is truly worth and I appreciate you helping me out.
Thank you again. :)
I am sorry if you feel you were cheated. If you purchased the item from Amazon, contact their customer service and ask to return it. If you purchased it from some where else (like a private sale or non store) you may not be able to return. Dolls are meant to be enjoyed! Enjoy her!!
If you look on eBay all Lido toys are very low priced. The lowest I saw was $2.50 and the highest $8.99.
I am a little confused about this. I know this doll as a Lotus Onda brand doll from Canada... unless my memory is totally off... which is possible.
She for sale on Amazon at $25 + shipping, but that just tells me what the seller values her as:
This brand of dolls has a big Canadian following and websites/blogs like this one:
Maybe someone from the blog can tell you if people are actually paying $25 for them. That would give you your current market value! I am surprised none are on eBay. That is my go to for market value using their sold auction's link.
Please let me know what you find out! Thanks!!
Now I am a little confused as I have owned several of the Lotus Onda dolls (all 18" dolls) and they did not have anything with Lido on the boxes or any reference to that name. They do make other dolls but their doll that "made" the company is an 18" doll that was introduced to compete with the American Girl doll but just never made the grade.
The Lotus Onda company did also sell their 18" dolls as well as other toys to stores like K-Mart, also including Lillian Vernon catalogs and grocery stores; they were (at one time) sold to Toys R' Us but most of the dolls sold for about $20 or less) so these would still be considered in the lower end of sales.
The Lotus Onda manufacturing company is in Hong Kong and is owned by a Ms. Chan. I only mention that name as you will see her name on many of the "distribution" sites that may appear to be the manufacturing company (such as Canada).
The doll that is featured on the Amazon site is a Lido doll (same doll as in the question) but not a Lotus Onda doll. It is difficult to use Amazon dolls as any type of value as there it is difficult to track their items except to save the site and continuously return to see if it is still there. The problem with that is once the item is gone you cannot usually find out if it sold or if the seller just removed it. Maybe you know a way to check that out?
Amazon sellers are usually big sellers and with their account they can list an item and forget it - until it sells as they mostly have large storage areas and do not have things sitting in their house waiting to be sold. I know several sellers who list on Amazon and they have to go to their "history" worksheet to find when (date) they listed an item, which could have been 2 years ago or even longer.
I did give a listing on eBay (but not sold) and the asking price is $4.99. The doll in this listing is not in the original box and that may be of some value to someone who is thinking of this as a collectible but I just cannot see any evidence that this particular doll will ever be very valuable but, as we always say, things change and values are not always predictable.
I believe it is possible that if someone had an original 18" Lotus Onda doll it might be valuable in the distant future.
There is a lot of information on this Canadian web site about the Lotus Onda dolls.
Maybe if I am misunderstanding the question or mistaken about the type of doll then I apologize if I have presented incorrect information.
I went back to the Amazon ad and to the photo and it looks like Abby pulled her photo directly from the Amazon ad...or if not, it is staged almost identically...I think Abby's photo is a little closer up.
So Abby...so we don't confuse you or us any more...are you selling the doll on Amazon and need to make sure you have the name right or are you thinking about buying the doll on Amazon?
I remember her as an Onda doll, but its been many years since I sold dolls and Lido lines were very similar...so my memory could be totally off!
Cybergrannie did find photos (not the box, but the doll) that look similar to the one on Amazon under the Lido name...but to me the pattern of the cap look slightly different between the eBay and Amazon version. There were so many copycat style dolls made back then, it is really hard to know what is what all these years later!!!
If you are asking because you are thinking about buying the Amazon doll...personally, I would not...because all they are showing you is the box and not the doll. I never buy anything unless I can see multiple pictures of what I am getting. That is just me though.
If you are selling her on Amazon...you may want to do some further research and not count on aging memories (mine) as to her actual maker. You could always put unknown maker if you can't confirm who made her. She may have a marking on the doll itself confirming the company--check the butt, feet, back of the neck etc.
Abby...please let us know so we can all rest easy!!! Thanks!
Do a search on Google, put in all the info. you have. Also check on eBay to see if there is a doll on sale that is similar to yours.
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