Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts January 6, 20190 found this helpful
Ashton Drake is a company that mass-produces dolls. Your doll is a fairly recent doll. Nonetheless, they lose value and are worth $25 or less.

January 7, 20190 found this helpful
As a general rule, Ashton Drake dolls have very low value (usually less than $25) as the company just produced too many of each doll and a very large number of dolls in numerous categories (sizes/styles)
There is no list available for these dolls by number and very few sellers will list a doll with a number as most will either have a name or size and style/character so there is no way to do very much research on your doll.
- There are approximately 12,000 Aston Drake dolls listed on eBay at the present time and over one hundred listed on Etsy so to do any research you will need to show more information and since you have the doll you may be able to find her on one of these sites.
- You can narrow your search by using style/character and size; or a name if you have one.
- Someone may be able to help you further if you post pictures and her size on this site.
- www.etsy.com/.../ashton_drake_doll
- www.ebay.com/.../i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2323012...
- These sites will show asking price but this is just what the seller would like to receive and only a sold price will show current value. You can place a watch on dolls that are similar to see if they sell.