I'm on day 27 of incubating mallard eggs. I've been turning them 1/2 turn, 3 times a day. Tonight I could hear them peeping a bit. I turned them about 40 minutes ago. Now I've just read that I should have stopped rotating two days ago! Should I turn them back or just leave them be? Will they hatch?
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i would leave them be-you could call your local humane society and ask a vet's opinion
I agree. Leave them be and don't fret, nature will take its course now. Let us know how they are.
Leave them alone. I think they will hatch soon.
It is possible that some of them will hatch but probably not all of the chicks will survive. It seems the 25 days is a crucial time and eggs should not be turned after that - too bad you found this out too late but maybe you will still have good luck.
One hatched and came out jumping around and super strong. Another one hatched early this morning and appeared very weak. He died a few hours later. Still waiting on 4 more...
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