
Indestructible Dog Toy Ideas?

December 12, 2009

Photo of a pit bull.Is there such a thing as an "indestructible" dog toy? My dog trashes every toy I give her within 5 minutes. She can have the plastic eyeballs, and squeaker out of a toy in 3.24 minutes (yup, I timed it). Any suggestions? (other than a KONG) She won't touch it.



By She Drags from Ontario, Canada


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
December 15, 20090 found this helpful
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Do a search for a "Jolly Ball." It is essentially a round rubber ball with a handle on it. They come in different sizes from 4.5" to 10": we bought one for our german shepherd that is larger (made for a horse). They aren't supposed to deflate or get punctured, and are made really tough. I've found smaller ones at pet stores, like petsmart, and at farm supply stores. Our dog has 3 in various sizes and really loves them. You can order them online if you cannot find them in your area. They last forever--our dog used to chew up soccer balls within a day or two. He has had his Jolly Balls for years.

January 19, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

To throw another thought into the ring, my dog has destroyed many a dog toy until he got hold of the Tanzanian Mountain Ball. Wow! This thing is great. Not too expensive (around 6 bucks or less). Give this one a shot.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 171 Feedbacks
January 8, 20120 found this helpful
Best Answer

I swear by the hard Nylabones!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 6, 2012

Black Great Dane puppy ready to shake his paw.We have a 10 month old Great Dane. At times I swear he's a goat! He chews everything. He's gone through toys like crazy, Kongs, beef bones, etc. I got a deer antler and it's managed to last a week so far. Anyone have any ideas where I might find toys for a large breed dog?

By Donna from Foymount, Ontario


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
January 8, 20120 found this helpful

I've raised Boxers, also prodigious chewers-gotta keep those teeth busy but wow is it hard to keep them in toys!

We used to get the huge rope toys from PetsMart, took them a while to go through those.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
January 8, 20120 found this helpful

We have a Great Dane mix. She too managed to destroy any toy we found for her in record time until we bought X-Large Kong toys for her. She has both the goodie bone and Kong Extreme toy for large dogs. She has had these 2 toys for over a year. It took our dog 2 years to mature beyond the puppy stage but after we bought these toys, her inappropriate chewing drastically reduced and finally ceased.


Try freezing the Kong after you fill them with treats.This increases the effort the puppy must exert to receive the treat.

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February 6, 2011

My large dog can demolish a toy in minutes. We have a black flying saucer-like toy, about 6 inches diameter with small areas on the surface to push small kibble in. This is the only toy that has not been demolished and keeps her busy. I want another one for my other dog. Does anyone know where I can get one?

By annmmarian from Vancouver, BC


February 8, 20110 found this helpful

Could it be made by Kong?


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
February 8, 20110 found this helpful

Check out the Kong brand of toys. We have a mixed pit that can demolish anything in seconds and their Extreme Kong is just about pooch proof. You can also inquire from the web site which other toys they might suggest and sign up for their free and informative newsletter.


Also, the Katie's Bumper's 'frisbee', the Frequent Flyer, has lasted a good long time with the dog.
This internet addy is where we purchased his Katie's toys, but the ones I see listed are the minis and we bought the largest size offered for Mr. 70+ pounder. A Google search should turn up other stores that have them.
I purchased 3 of the largest triangle shapes, thinking that he'd shred them in a few months and so far, we've gotten a couple of years out of the first. They are made of recycled water hoses for fire men.,2284M_Katie's-Bumpers-Mini-Frequent...

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Pets Dogs Dog ToysMarch 28, 2012
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