Looking for information on this Griswold No. 5 skillet. All I really know is that it predates 1960 because it is not marked "Made in USA". I've not seen any like it on the WEB
This is a popular skillet and there are rare types that are worth a lot of money but the majority of the skillets usually sell for $50-$65 and some for much less.
There are many things that make these skillets rare and it will probably take an expert in that field to determine the true value of a rare skillet.
If information is what you're after, you can start with this article; it is a long read with a lot of information but it also has pictures and dates. Looks like your skillet was made between 1939 to 1957 and is not a rare type.
When it comes to value, you cannot go by any seller's asking price as a seller can ask anything they desire but until it's sold it has no value except to the owner.
If you are still looking for information, you can ask your questions on this forum as they have some 'experts' that could probably bo of more assistance.
We can use the markings to determine the age of your Griswold cast iron skillet.
Around 1906, The Griswold Mfg. Co. marked its skillets for decades simply "ERIE".
The Griswold skillets can be divided into six distinct configurations.
During the small block era, skillet patterns were twice updated, resulting in examples of most all sizes being seen with what are termed either "early", "late", or "late grooved" handles.
You can see a gallery of the various Griswold skillet changes over time on this site:
You have a Griswold Small BlockTM skillet, early handle.
The Griswold Small Block skillet doesn't cost very much, as the small block logo is simply not as collectible.
Vintage Griswold Cast Iron Skillet Small Logo #5 at $45
Griswold Hinge Cast Iron Size 5 Skillet Sits Flat at $85
This Griswold skillet is listed for $60:
This Griswold skillet is listed for $65:
This Griswold skillet is listed for $100:
I found a vintage No.5 Griswold 1 7/8" cast iron skillet with small logo, Erie PA, that looks similar
A vintage Griswold Cast Iron Skillet 8 No.5 Erie PA 724 K Small Logo Lays Flat was sold for $59
This one is asking $61. www.ebay.com/