
Introducing New Kitten to Resident Kitten?

My fiancé and I adopted a kitten from our humane society about a 1 month old named Cricket. She's now going on 4, so she's still very little, but feisty and playful. Our dog is too big to play with her so we decided to go out and adopt another kitten for her to play with.


At first I thought it was a good idea, but we came home with the new kitten (1 month old) and had them separated in our living room, but Cricket did a 180 on us. She hisses, growls, slaps, etc. We took the kitten to a different room for a little, to calm everyone down, but now Cricket will hiss at us and claws us, bites, you name it! She will hiss anywhere the new kitten has been (her litter box, a toy she played with, or a sheet she was laying on)

Is this normal? Cricket's never hissed at us before!

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June 4, 20160 found this helpful

Cats can be extremely territorial with other cats. My cat is the same way. She's fine with dogs and can get along with other cats in a really neutral territory, but once I had another cat here overnight and it was the same thing- hissing, spitting, etc.


Since Jackson Galaxy is the cat expert, I'll let him do the talking.

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