I just adopted a rescue cat who is 5 months old. Right now I have a 11 month old cat who I've had since he was 4 weeks old. I have my new cat in my room. He was hiding under the bed for almost the whole day. He started coming out and loving on me, but is still a bit skittish. My current cat meanwhile is in the living room acting normal even though he knows about the new kitten. Anyway I switched rooms and put them in the opposite rooms. My new kitten kept meowing non stop and walking around. Why was that? My current cat kept meowing at the door to come in so I thought he wanted to meet him.
By Jessica s
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It actually sounds to me like this is working. A lot of cats really hate each other and attack each other when first introduced. Keep switching the rooms and such like you're doing.
One thing you can do is try to get both cats playing with the same toy, like a wand bird toy. Let them do this for fifteen minutes or so at first. As long as they aren't hurting each other, the hissing isn't as bad as it looks.
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