I may have asked this question, I'm not sure. I know that cats have a hard time accepting kittens. But my cat has to deal with two identical kittens. All the cats are female. I've had males and they've been no problem. I read somewhere that the hissing won't stop until after six months. Is there an easier way around this?
By Mary Lacey from Yuma, AZ
I have four cats that I got one at a time over the course of the last 12 years. No, the hissing never stops! I stop the big fights, but other than that, they are just doing what nature intended for them to do as cats. (09/03/2009)
By Beth
I just recently asked the same question. I have a 13 yr. old female and brought home 2 sister kittens. They are now 13 weeks old, had them spayed last week. Kallie still hisses at the kittens although they grow bigger every day. I hope that some day they will be friends, but from other posts I'm not sure it will happen. As I've read, cats are very territorial. I now have 3 litter boxes and each has their own dish to eat.
Good luck and have lots of patience. (09/03/2009)
By Rose Smith
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