
Is My Dog a Purebred Belgian Malinois?

September 30, 2019

What Breed Is My Dog? - dark brown and black dog with large earsI have a female dog and just want to know if it is a Belgian Malinois or not?


Dog standing in a room.
Dog standing in a room.
Dog standing in a room.
Dog standing in a room.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
September 30, 20190 found this helpful
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I don't think your dog is a purebred Belgian Malinois but she definitely looks as if there's some of that breed in her background. Her nose and her coat don't appear consistent with the Malinois.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 30, 20190 found this helpful
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I see a lot of Malinois in your pup, but the tail looks off so maybe there are some other genes in him.

Has the vet weighed in? The vet can see things I can't like his teeth, jaw, hip and bone structure.


Post back with an update. Hugs to the sweet pup!!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
October 2, 20190 found this helpful
Best Answer

It looks like your dog has a high percentage of Malenois. Otherwise there may be some doberman and/or GSD.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 2, 2013

Dog on leash.Please help. We want to know if our pup is a pure breed Belgian Malinois or a cross breed. His small face/head looks like a German Shepherd. I saw a Belgian Malinois (same age) and the head is large that's why I wondering and thinking that our pup is not a pure breed Mal.

He is already 5 months old at present, but he only weights 16lbs. Your answer is highly appreciated.:)Dog lying on ground chewing on leash.

By Jhay M.


April 3, 20131 found this helpful
Best Answer

Your dog looks like a Belgian Malinois; I am not sure. I have a Belgian Malinois. She is beautiful with a very dark face and mahogany coloring.


She is approximately 21" at the withers and weighs 44lbs.

April 8, 20131 found this helpful
Best Answer

My guess is yes he does look like a pure bred Malinois. I say this because my son, a police officer, has a K-9 of the same type. he just retired this past year.(the dog) They are a very intelligent breed. I would highly advise some sort of training, they learn so well. They are a thin dog also. I hope I've helped, you have a very nice looking dog.

July 12, 20191 found this helpful
Best Answer

Thats a Malinois shepherd mix. You can clearly see the shepherd coming through. Most Malinois are very slender. The shepherds are more stocky. Plus a Malinois head is usually thinner. Shepherds have a more broader head. I would guess a definitely shepherd in the mix.


The picture is a 6 month old Malinois female. Females are no doubt smaller in the breed most times.

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May 26, 2017

I bought a Malinois puppy and I just want to see if you think it's purebred. She is 11 weeks old.

Is My Malinois Purebred? brown and black puppy with large stand up ears
A dog lying on a couch.
A dog lying on a couch.
A dog lying on a couch.


September 27, 20200 found this helpful

Your dog is a pure Malinois...Posted from an owner and trainer.....

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February 8, 2021

Please help me identify if this is a pure/mix Belgian malinois breed. Thanks.

A brown puppy sitting on the ground.

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September 28, 2018

My neighbors recently gave me their 5 month old puppy claiming he's a Malinois so I got curious and searched how other dogs of the same breed look. Now after comparing him with a few others he's kinda different.

Could anyone tell me if he's a Malinois mix? If yes, I would like to know what kind of crossbreed he is. Nothing against it, I love all dogs. A dog standing in grass.


A dog lying on an outdoor patio.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 28, 20181 found this helpful
Best Answer

What a handsome guy! So sweet! Our local police dog was a pure malinois and looked a little different from your fur baby. I am thinking he is a Shepherd mix.


He looks a lot like this sweetie:

Your vet can look at his teeth, jaws, hips and bone structure to give you a good guestimate!

Wishing you a list lovely life together!!


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
September 30, 20181 found this helpful
Best Answer

Your pup does look like malinois.

The only other bred similar is German shepherd, but yours does not look it.


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July 27, 2017

Does anyone think my new puppy is a jet black Belgian Malinois? I'm looking for a dog breeder who could tell if she is a pure Belgian Malinois.

A dog standing on a couch.
A dog standing on a couch.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
July 28, 20170 found this helpful
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I guess the first question would have to be - what were you told when you acquired your new puppy? Do you not trust the previous owners to be telling you the truth about the breed? Did you receive any papers stating the breed? I'm assuming you sere told this puppy is a pure bred Belgian Malinois but the only way to tell for sure is with a DNA test as a breeder would not be able to tell you the blood line for sure and they would want a lot of information to even discuss it with you.


Dog DNA test kits are available from many pet stores, on-line (Amazon, eBay and others) and from your vet. DNA test kits cost $65 - 200 dollars but your vet can tell you more about these testa.
Here is a link that explains about DNA tests and also a link of a kit for sale but shop around if buying on line as there are many to choose from.

It seems you have not had your puppy for their first vet visit so I would like to encourage you to do this as soon as possible as there are so many things that can happen to a young puppy in their first year. This would also be a good time to discuss your puppy's breed. Here is a link to all the things you should discuss with your vet.

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January 21, 2021

This is a picture of my dog. Is it a pure Belgian Malinois?

A young dog sitting in a dirt yard.

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June 9, 2016

Is this a normal dog or a cross Belgian Malinois? I'm about to buy it.

brown and tan dog


June 10, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

It appears to be a Belgian Malinois cross.

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November 5, 2020

She is currently 7 months, the picture is older. I got her from a family with no papers. They said she was purebred but I'm not too sure.

A dog sitting in a living room.


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 59 Tips
November 5, 20201 found this helpful

Beautiful pup! She certainly appears to be a Belgian Malinois. You might find out more info here.
They are very intelligent and they are used in law enforcement a lot.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
November 5, 20201 found this helpful

Wow what a cutie! She appears to be a Belgian Malinois. With her short hair and fine lines she looks to be 100% , but only DNA would make sure. I found some really great pictures and I think your fur baby is among them! - -


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
November 8, 20200 found this helpful

It would impossible to really answer your question correctly but she sure looks like she has a large portion of the Belgian Malinois breed.
I'm glad you are getting a DNA test because this would give you the information you're asking about.
Belgian Malinois purebred puppies/dogs are some of the most expensive dogs in the world so if you did not pay a substantial amount of money for her, she is most likely not purebred.
This is what I mean by large sum of money:
"You should budget anywhere from $3,500 upwards to $9,000 or even more for a Belgian Malinois with top breed lines and a superior pedigree. The average cost for all Belgian Malinois sold is $1,200.
In general, you can expect to pay between $1,300 and $2,500 for an 8-week-old puppy."

This is a good link to check out as it has a lot of information about this breed:

The most important thing you can do for her is to be sure she has a vet and receives all of her shots/vaccinations on time.

Wishing happy days ahead with your beautiful dog. I know you will not mind if she has another mix in her background but be sure to post back with the DNA results.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 10, 20200 found this helpful

Normally the answers we give here are based on the appears of the animal in the photo. From the photo, your dog looks like she has a lot of Belgian Malinois in her. Nobody here is an expert on guessing the breed of your dog, and your vet isn't either. The vets normally have a better chance of identifying the dog's breed than other people do. The only true way to tell if your dog is a pure breed without paper is to order a DNA test for the dog. These can be quite expensive if you ask your vet to do one. They are a bit cheaper if you buy a test yourself and do it at home. The test will tell you about the dog and hopefully, give you an idea about the parents. One thing for sure is a test will answer your questions. There are many breeders around that pass off dogs as purebred animals but can not supply you with any of the papers. Normally if you do buy a purebred and have paid for the dog the parents should be registered and you should receive papers to register your dog. I own a Bichon Fraise now and I would not guarantee that my dog is purebred at all. Too many people where I live are breeding these dogs and it would be so hard to prove one way or the other without a DNA test which I am not willing to pay for or care about. I think loving an animal is important no matter if it is purebred or not.

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February 14, 2022

The previous owner told me he's a pure Malinois. Is he? He is 4 years old, 75 lbs. I am pretty certain. I just want confirmation, thanks for taking the time! (:

A dog sitting on the snow.
A dog in the snow.

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July 31, 2021

Is my dog a purebred Belgian malinois? He's around 8 months old and weighs 51 pounds. If not, what does he look like?

A dog outside.
A dog near some wildflowers.
A happy dog outside.
A dog in the grass.
Two dogs near a pool.
A dog looking at the camera.
A dog on a bed.
A dog inside.
A dog looking at the camera.

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December 1, 2020

She is called Darsha, is a female, has 13 pounds, is 4 months old, very smart, stubborn, protective. Is she a pure Malinois?

A dog sitting on a tile floor.
A dog lying on grass.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
December 1, 20200 found this helpful

She looks to me to be 100% Malinois - also called Belgian Shepherd. She is a beauty and is right on schedule with her weight. The females fully grown can weigh between 55 to 60 pounds. - If you need to know , without doubt , a DNA will need to be performed . - also here are pictures of Malinois breed- looks like I see Darsha there!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 1, 20200 found this helpful

I am not sure where you took the dog from and if you have paid for the dog from a breeder or not. Normally if you buy such a dog from a breeder they are required by law to give you the blood line of the dog. It appears this one has not happened. Just looking at the dog I would say yes she does look like she is a Malinois. But this can also be misleading. I am not sure what your vet has told you or not. Normally by the time the dog is 4 months old, you should have had the dog to the vet once or twice to get the dog shots which are very important. What has the bet said to you about this dog?

You can always make sure what your dog is mixed with by performing a home DNA test. This is less expensive than asking your vet to do one for you.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
December 1, 20200 found this helpful

Beautiful dog.
Is she a pure Malinois?
Probably not, unless you bought her from a registered breeder and paid from $1,500 to $3,500 for her as that is the average cost of a pure bred Malinois.
She could be mixed with several other breeds that are very similar in bone structure, coloring, weight and size and it would be very difficult to tell which other breed.

Sometimes it is a good investment to purchase a DNA test kit as these tests not only tell the breeding background but also pinpoint any health issues to watch for in the future.
You can purchase the kits online, pet stores and your vet. The costs usually start at about $55 and go to thousands so check out which one you need before buying.
Your vet cannot tell you about her breeding for sure but they can help to keep her healthy. Be sure she receives all of her first year shots/vaccinations so she will be protected from floating viruses when she is out and about.

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February 15, 2020

Is my dog a pure bred Malinois? It is hard to tell because I've seen them small and compact and I've seen them larger.

A dog on wooden flooring inside.
A dog on green lawn next to a sidewalk.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
February 16, 20200 found this helpful

My vote is Malinois, Beautiful !


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 16, 20200 found this helpful

I also vote yes for your dog being a pure bred Malinois. It's a very good looking dog.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
February 17, 20200 found this helpful

Your dog looks purebred to me.

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