
Is My Puppy a Pomeranian?

September 27, 2021

A small dog looking back at the camera.I recently purchased a sable pomeranian puppy from a pet shop. She is about two months old. Her size and her tail does look like a pomeranian but her coat is very short. Is her appearance normal for a pomeranian puppy at two months? I have added some photos. Thanks


A small dog on hard flooring.
A small dog looking at the camera.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
September 29, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

I think you have a sable pomeranian puppy. And sable means the dog has dark-tipped hair. Your puppy does have dark tips.

As for the short coat. Young Pomeranian puppies do have short hair. Your puppy will not have long hairs until her adult coat has grown in. This process is usually complete by the age of 1-year-old. However, with some, it can be up to the age of 14 months.
Your puppy will going through the period, what is called the "Puppy Uglies" (from 4 months to 12 months). During this time, the puppy coat sheds off and the adult coat grows in. During this time, there are great changes.

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October 1, 2019

I have a 5 month the old Pomeranian and a 6 month old Pomeranian and both have short hair. I have seen poms around the same age as mine and they have the long beautiful fur.

They are both healthy.

Pomeranian Puppies' Hair Seems Too Short Hair - tri-colored Pom on the carpet
Pomeranian Puppies' Hair Seems Too Short


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
October 1, 20191 found this helpful

There could be some other genes mixed in way down the line, but they both look really good to me. There are poms that just by their lineage have slightly shorter hair than others. Sometimes it is just the "puppy" fur stage and then you turn around and they really fluff up.


Have you asked the vet to weigh in on the other breed standards?

They are so cute and cuddly looking!! Have lots of fun adventures together!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
October 1, 20191 found this helpful

Give them some time they are still babies!!! Also it matters on what you feed them for there coat also!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 1, 20191 found this helpful

I would not worry if I were you. The hair will grow in.

October 1, 20191 found this helpful

I found small breed food for them and it says it's also good for there fur. Its us blue buffalo basic Hopefully that works


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 128 Feedbacks
October 2, 20190 found this helpful

They are still too young for full growth - I think they get a second growth of fur when they get older. Maybe they are not pure bred. Don't worry if they don't get too longer fur - you will love them just as much.


I've had 5 of these beautiful dogs & they made my life a pure joy. Enjoy....

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