I'm wondering if this is a biting midge? Been getting bit up in the house. The first pic, it is on a paper towel and the second one is zoomed in.
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This looks just like -Ceratopogonidae- better known as No- See- Ums, or biting Midges. This painful, itchy insect multiplies if not taken care of. They consist of male and female. The female is the one that attacks and bites humans. The key to getting rid of these is through a professional . Here is more info - en.wikipedia.org/
You are correct some people call this a biting midge and others call it a no-see-um. The small sand fleas have razor-sharp teeth that can dig into your skin and suck out the blood. When this happens they tear a tiny piece of your skin and this leaves a red mark that fills up with water.
Yes, we have been having these too. I ordered a bug lotion from Avon. They are so annoying and they hurt when they bite! They are a type of a fly.
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