
Jack (& Chi Chi)

Two cats cuddling on a chair.

Your Pet's Age


Your Pet's Breed
Orange Tabby/DSH Mix

How and when did you get your pet?
15 years ago I rescued Jack from a horse barn following his abandonment in the country.

What does your pet like to do for fun?
Jack loves to loves to nurture the other cats in the household. In this photo he is embracing Chi Chi (his favorite :). He is resting against a cat pillow in the background.

Do you have anything else to share about your pet?
Jack is 17 and in the final stages of kidney failure. He won't be with us much longer so I wanted to honor him by sharing his wonderful energy with you.

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
September 21, 20130 found this helpful

Wonderful snap! Lol, until I went back and reread your post I thought the cat pillow was a live cat:)

It's hard to watch a beloved animal companion in his/her last days, you have my deepest sympathies.

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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
September 22, 20130 found this helpful

It's a lovely photo of Jack & Chi Chi, and I too thought the pillow was another cat at first!

I've been through this so many times, with older cats and dogs, and it is heart wrenching to watch as the kidney failure takes them. You can do a lot to make them comfortable and keep them going for a while, but then the end comes pretty quickly.


I fully understand and sympathize with what you are going through, and think it's lovely you honored Jack this way. Best wishes.

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September 28, 20130 found this helpful

Thanks to both of you for your kind words!

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