You will need a plastic cap from spray paint or a cosmetics top. Drill a hole in the center of the cap. Insert a piece of a coat hanger wire through the hole, position the cap in the middle of the wire, empty side up, and bend a hook each end. Seal around the hole in the cap with glue. Fill the cap with water. Attach the hummingbird feeder from one hook and hang it from the other.
By Eileen
We made this hanger shown on this website made from a hanger and spray can top. Oh Mylanta, it worked like a charm. Hundreds of ants in the spray can top and none in the feeders. It took maybe five minutes to make and did the trick. Thanks for helping! (08/30/2010)
By Denise
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I used this trick this year but used drapery cord instead of a metal coat hanger and then superglue to seal the hole. I also put a Popsicle stick underneath the cap for more stability (otherwise the cup would list to one side). I put tap water in the cap so the hummingbirds have fresh water to drink in case they need to get hydrated.
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