This time of year we like to be outside camping, picnicking, or just eating outside on our deck. Ants tend to be a problem. To keep them off your camping table or picnic table, clean out four tuna or cat food cans.
Next fill the cans about 1/2 full with water and put them under the table legs. The water in the cans will keep the ants from climbing up the table legs to get on the table. Now you can enjoy eating outdoors and not being bothered my pesky ants!
By dorothy wedenoja from New Creek, WV
This page contains the following solutions.
When going on a picnic, here is a thrifty way to cover food to keep those pesky bugs from enjoying your lunch too. Instead of buying those expensive plastic food covers, purchase shower caps from your local Dollar Tree.
When planning an outdoor party, it is always an issue of pests (bugs) flying into beverage pitchers. To control this problem, I hot glued some small metal spoons on two corners of a napkin (on the wrong side of the napkin)...
Keep those bugs and moths out of your drinks. I have a great can opener that leaves no sharp edges so these lids make great drink covers.
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
What's the best way to keep bugs and mosquitoes away from the picnic?
I stick a few dryer sheets around the picnic table or campsite. At home I soak a rag in vinegar and place it outside for about seven to ten days at a time, this helps repel unwanted pests, mammals as well as insects.
To keep ants from the picnic table put legs of table in a small saucer of water.
The most effective thing for a picnic is the Off Lamp with the little pads in it, or a butane fired burner with similar pads. The mosquito coils are fairly effective, but you have to have several. These things are effective for mosquitoes; for other flying insects, wasps, black flies, I don't know.
How do you keep bugs away from the picnic table, such as flies?
By Joanna G
That has always been the bad part of picnic, if people want to eat outside there is bound to be some kind of bugs around. My biggest complaint would be mosquitoes.
How do you keep bugs away from the picnic table, such as flies?
By Joanna G
If possible, setup a fan on low. It will keep flies and mosquitoes away very well!
ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
Put a freshly unwrapped stick of mint flavored gum on the side of your plate at your next picnic -- it keeps those pesky flies away from your food.
Keeping Ants Off Your Picnic Table. Ants can totally over take when food is eaten outside. Whether it be my dogs dish or my picnic table, I have found a way to stop them in their tracks