
Keeping Lint Off Clothing

I have some pants and jacket that are 96% cotton and 4% spandex in black and they seem to attract every little piece of lint in the world! I love them and want to wear them but every time I do I'm reaching for my lint roller. I have tried static guard and fabric protector but they have not worked? I'm stuck, can anyone help me with a tip?


April from La Crosse, WI


Keeping Lint Off Clothing

Buy a piece of some very "fine" netting (tulle). I have been using the same piece for over a year and it works wonders. (05/28/2006)

By Cathy

Keeping Lint Off Clothing

These are the types of clothing materials that I tend to stay away from. If you notice this type of attraction (between clothing and lint) in the store, please be aware, they'll do this in your closet, as well. Best of Luck with yours. (06/03/2006)

By badwater

Keeping Lint Off Clothing

Not sure how to "prevent" it but to remove lint from clothing I use one of those little round rubber things you use to get lids off of jars. They don't take up a lot of room in your purse (I actually keep one in my desk at work). Most of these have been for free from different businesses advertising. Have a couple from my credit union. I like the tulle idea too, I never thought of that, but bet it works great and would also be easy to carry. (06/06/2006)


By Peg Ward

Keeping Lint Off Clothing

Peggy Lee 31, U rock! Now I can keep my 300 dollar coat looking new! Thank you! The lid top opener works great!(04/04/2007)


Keeping Lint Off Clothing

Duct tape. (06/21/2008)

By cm123.

Keeping Lint Off Clothing

I use a hair brush to get lint off my clothing it works great! (10/01/2008)

By o2mile20

Keeping Lint Off Clothing

Put your black items in a black cloth bag (die a pillow case if you have to) then throw the whole shebang into the washer - Presto!- clean stuff without the lint!

By Jeff

Keeping Lint Off Clothing

I never wash fleece or dress clothes with towels or denim and I don't have any problems with lint. I wash dark towels and jeans in one load, light towels and whites in another, and all the fleece and dress pants go in the medium or dark loads. My friend's mom taught me this trick when I was in High School - works like a charm! Even the inside of my sweatshirts stay soft. Now my only problem is cat fur on my work clothes. I put those on last thing before I walk out the door and try not to touch anything. (02/13/2011)


By Stephanie

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