
Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard

Someone said there was a spray that smelled like skunk to help keep neighbor's pets out of your yard? I could not find it at Wal-mart as suggested. Any ideas of what it's called?

I cannot even enjoy play time with my pets for the neighbor's lab puppy. I've asked nicely, but I got "threats" in return. Help.


Brenda from Stanfield, NC


Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard

Do you have a leash law in your town? Most places state that animals must be kept on a restraint. Try calling the Dog Pound for the laws in your area.
Owners can be fined or sit in jail for a few days for not restraining their animals. (04/02/2007)

By Marty

Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard

Below are 3 possible solutions for you, but your best bet would be to fence them out. Than is, if it's practical and if you have the money. I have a cheap chain-link fence in my back yard and it works wonderfully. My front yard is different thing altogether. Boy, Oh Boy! There's nothing like trying to mow your front yard and stepping in the neighbors' dog's mess. I suppose I'm going to have to fence the front yard in, too.


Dog owners, please watch your dogs. And when you take them out for walks, please remember, this is our yard, not your's and we don't appreciate your dogs going to the "bathroom" on it. Yes, I've sat on the front porch and watched as the dog owner walking their dog on a leash, has steered their dog to my lawn. Of course the dog owner acts like they don't understand anything's wrong, when I've told them to stop. Please be responsible for your animals. Buy a fence before you get a dog.

Here's some suggestions for you:

  1. The "ScareCrow Sprinkler" Here's a quote from their web site:

    "Protect your garden or pond from unwanted animal intruders. The Scarecrow motion activated sprinkler instantly releases a short, but startling burst of water when it detects animals. The sudden water, movement and noise scare animals away, and help teach them to avoid the area in the future. Simply and effectively chases animals out of your pond or garden with water.


    Humane, safe and environmentally friendly; uses only a small amount of water each time

    • Highly sensitive motion detector senses large and small animals
    • No chemicals, shocks or unsightly, costly fences or barriers
    • Smart circuitry automatically dampens sensitivity in windy conditions to reduce false triggering
    • Works day and night for up to 4 months on a single battery
    • Each unit covers approx 1200 square feet (112m2)"

  2. "Liquid Fence": This is something to spray around your yard. A quote from their web site:

    "Keep dogs and cats away with Liquid Fence Dog and Cat Repellent. Our all natural spray is a great way to keep them at bay. Just spray the Cat and Dog Repellent on the areas where your pets, your neighbor's pets and strays don't belong, lawns, flowerbeds, garden beds, trees, shrubs, and trash containers. Their favorite spots become areas to avoid, not visit. And don't worry, the spray is made from all natural plant oils, so it's biodegradable and earth friendly. You can safely use it around your family and it won't harm animals or your plants."


    How Liquid Fence Dog and Cat Repellent works:

    "Pets and strays will habitually visit the same areas 'seeking familiar animal scents' to perform their 'duties'. When Liquid Fence Dog and Cat Repellent is sprayed in areas that contain these familiar animal odors, it will mask the odors, causing the animals to become uneasy, thus repelling them."

  3. "DirectStop animal deterrent spray", This one is something safe to spray at the dog:

    A quote from their web site:

    "If your own pets frequently visit your yard, a handheld deterrent will be a better solution, since you'll want to determine for yourself which animals need to be discouraged from entering your property. DirectStop Animal Deterrent Spray sends out a strong, 10-foot stream with the odor of citronella to surprise the offending animal.


    DirectStop does not cause pain, and it will not increase aggression, but since animals are not used to the scent, it is an effective deterrent. In addition, it won't injure the user or onlookers if the spray is accidentally blown back into the eyes. (04/13/2007)

By Cyinda

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